Latest Alagappa University Announces Government Jobs

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Alagappa University Announces Phd Entrance Test October 2023 For 34 Subjects at India
Karaikudi, 03 october 2023: alagappa university, karaikudi, a state university in tamil nadu, has announced phd entrance test for october 2023. the phd admission is available in the following subject groups: arts, science, marine sciences, indian languages, engineering & technology, education, fine arts, agriculture, medicine and dentistry. key dates: the closing date for submission of [] the post alagappa university announces phd entrance test october 2023 for 34 subjects appeared first...
Alagappa University Announces Phd Admission August 2022 For 36 Subjects at India
Chennai, 24 july 2022: alagappa university, a state public university based in karaikudi (tamil nadu), has invited applications from eligible candidates for admission to phd progarmmes for august 2022 session. the phd progarmmes are available in 36 subjects/streams in following faculties: arts, science, management and education. key dates: submission of application through online only opening [] the post alagappa university announces phd admission august 2022 for 36 subjects appeared first...
Alagappa University Announces Phd Admission Sept 2021 For 35 Disciplines at India
Karaikudi, tamil nadu: alagappa university, karaikudi, has released phd admission notification for september 2021 session. the university will hold phd qualifying examination on 19 september 2021. phd admission is available for university departments, constituent colleges, affiliated colleges and other approved research centres of the university. key dates: the closing date for submission of online application [] the post alagappa university announces phd admission sept 2021 for 35 disciplines...

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