Latest Company Secretary Trainee Government Jobs

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Nhpc Limited Jobs- Recruitment Of Trainee Engineer / Officer (civil/ Mech./ Elect/ Finance/ Company Secretary) at India
Nhpc limited invites online application for 67 posts of trainee engineer (civil/ mechanical/ electrical/ finance/ company secretary). eligible and interested candidates may apply online only through the official website of the nhpc limited (see link given below). advertisement no: nh/rectt. /04/ 2021. required educational qualification and other details for informational purposes only in interest of [] the post nhpc limited jobs- recruitment of trainee engineer / officer (civil/ elect/ finance/...
Management Trainee Company Secretary - Beml At Bangalore at India
Management trainee ndash; company secretary mt cs graduate with qualified company secretary with membership of the institute of the company secretary of india. pay scale ,000- 1,40,000 age 27 years as on training period selected candidates will undergo training for a period of one year, from the date of their joining. on successful completion of their training period and on assessment of suitability they will be absorbed as officer grade-ii in the same pay scale with one
Engineer, Asst. Engineer, Company Secretary, Skilled Worker Trainee Jobs In Autokast Limited at India
Autokast limited invites online application for 24 posts of company secretary cum manager finance, engineer (metallurgy/ design), assistant engineer (electrical/ civil), assistant officer, skilled worker (cnc machine operator) and skilled worker trainee (machinist/ turner/ foundry man/ moulder). the posts are permanent in nature. eligible and interested candidates may apply online only through the official website []
Sci Company Secretary Trainee Vacancy (mumbai, Maharashtra) at India
Company secretary trainee vacancy - last date 04 september 2020 (mumbai, maharashtra), for icsi
Shipping Corporation Of India Limited Recruitment 2020 - Company Secretary Trainee Vacancies - Apply Now at India
On 22/08/2020, shipping corporation of india limited announced job notification to hire candidates who completed icsi for the position of company secretary trainee.
Company Secretary Trainee - Sci Shipping Corporation Of India At Mumbai at India
Requirement of company secretary trainee qualification icsi professional program final passed or icsi executive programme intermediate passed duration of training 12 months for students who have cleared the professional final examination and 24 months for students who have cleared the executive examination, without any further extension. stipend 1 stipend for professional examination passed rs. 8000 - nbsp;2 stipend for executive examination passed rs. 7000 - ; to be increased to rs.
Company Secretary Trainee - Sci Shipping Corporation Of India At Mumbai at India
Company secretary trainee vacancies in shipping corporation of india ltd. qualification nbsp;icsi professional program final passed or icsi executive programme intermediate passed. stipend nbsp; nbsp; 1 stipend for professional examination passed rs. 8000 - 2 stipend for executive examination passed rs. 7000 - ; to be increased to rs. 8000 - on passing the professional examination during the training period. selection process nbsp; nbsp;the candidates are requested to carry the
Kiocl Recruitment 2019 Trainee Engineer, Company Secretary, Accounts Manager | 30 Vacancies at India
Kiocl limited has recently invited applications for the various post. candidates whos age is not more than as specified in kiocl jobs notification and having qualification from the university/ institute recognized by the government of india are eligible to apply for the post. kioclcompany secretary, manager, gm recruitment 2019 sr name of posts post education []
Kiocl Recruitment 2018 Company Secretary, Accounts Manager, Graduate Engineer Trainee, Gm (it) | 30 Vacancies at India
Kiocl limited has recently invited applications for the various post. candidates whos age is not more than as specified in kiocl jobs notification and having qualification from the university/ institute recognized by the government of india are eligible to apply for the post. kiocl gm (it), company secretary, manager recruitment 2018 sr name of posts []
Kiocl Limited Recruitment 2018 30graduate Engineer Trainee, Manager, Company Secretary & Dgm Vacancy @ at India
Kiocl limited recruitment 2018 kiocl limited aka kudremukh iron ore company invites application for the post of 30graduate engineer trainee, manager, company secretary & dgm vacancy 2018.kiocl limited recruitment qualification/eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rulesare given below official website is cochin shipyard hal india niacl npcil kiocl limited recruitment 25 graduate engineer trainee vacancy the post kiocl limited recruitment 2018 ...
Company Secretary Trainee - Scooters India Limited At Lakhnau at India
No. of post 01 qualification icsi executive program inter passed or professional program final . preference will be given to a candidate who has passed cs executive inter passed . stipend rs. 5000 , all inclusive. working hours monday to saturday from 9 00 to 5 30
Company Secretary Trainee - Sci Shipping Corporation Of India At Mumbai at India
Company secretary trainees job vacancies in shipping corporation of india ltd qualification icsi professional program final passed or icsi executive programme intermediate passed. preference will be given to a candidate who has passed the professional programme. stipend 1 stipend for professional examination passed rs. 8000 - 2 stipend for executive examination passed rs. 7000 - to be increased to rs. 8000 - on passing the professional examination during the training period.

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