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Everyone Was Stunned To Hear Om Shanti From Kamala Harris Stage at India
@kamalaharris there is a presidential election in the us in november and its echo is being heard on a large scale. but in the meantime, on the third day of the democratic partys national convention, when the voice of om shanti, shanti om came from the stage, everyone was surprised. this voice was of hindu []
What Everyone Likes About Government Job And Why? at India
Government jobs in india are perhaps one of the most desired jobs of the nation. the job not only guarantees a secured future, but also allows a candidate to be a part of the government machinery. in 2020 itself, there are about more than 2,00,000 government job openings nationwide. here are few highlights that will ... read more
Palestine Supporters Entered Australia's Parliament, Did Something Using The Roof Of The Building, Everyone Was Shocked at India
Creative common police and security advised people not to approach the building's main entrance directly under the protest, while more people were seen on the roof attempting to remove protesters. four pro-palestinian protesters were arrested on thursday for climbing onto the roof of australia's parliament house, an act condemned by lawmakers, on the same day []
No Money At Home, Huge Treasures Abroad, Everyone From Musharraf To President Zardari Has Property Worth Billions In Dubai. at India
Pakistan, a country desperately in need of food and drink, has been demanding relief from its helpful countries with a begging bowl. the people of the country seem to be fighting among themselves over flour. sometimes china is knocking on the doors of saudi arabia for bail out and financial assistance. but the coffers of []
Rajasthan Cash Payment Release Good News: Rajasthan Govt Will Put Rs 18604 In Everyones Account at India
Rajasthan government will put 18604 rupees for every couple under rajasthan cash payment release. this money will be directly deposited in the bank account of the beneficiary by the government, this is a free plan prepared by the government to put the money, the elections are near and the tenders of many schemes are yet rajasthan cash payment release good news: rajasthan govt will put rs 18604 in everyones account read more

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