Flying Up To 30 Thousand Feet, Capable Of Dropping Bombs, Deployed On Pakistan Border, Army Will Get The First Hermes-900 Starliner After 7 Days at India
@manishindiatv the first drone will be handed over to the indian army in hyderabad on may 18 under emergency powers granted by the defense ministry. according to reports, the army will also procure a very short range air defense system (vshorads) and a uav-launched precision guided munition (ulpgm). in a strategic move to enhance surveillance []
Join Indian Air Force As Group A Gazetted Officers In Flying And Ground (tech/ Non-tech) Branches at India
Indian air force invites online application for 256 approx posts of group a gazetted officers in flying and ground duty (technical and non-technical) branches. air force common admission test (afcat- 02/2020) for flying branch and ground duty (technical and non-technical) branches/ ncc special entry/ meteorology entry for courses commencing in july 2021. both men and []
Nagpur Flying Club Recruitment 2020 at India
Nagpur flying club recruitment 2020: nagpur flying club is going to conduct a walk-in-interview for recruitment to the eligible applicants to quality manager posts. applications are inviting for filling up the 01 vacancies of the posts to be filled. interested applicants to these posts need to bring their applications for interview. walk-in interview will be []the post nagpur flying club recruitment 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Afcat 1 Recruitment 2023 Apply Online For 317 Flying Officer & Other Posts at India
Afcat 1 recruitment 2023 :indian air force (iaf) has invited applications for 317 flying officer & other posts. interested candidates can apply for afcat 1 ... read more
Flying To India For Neet Amid Covid-19 Risk Stressful, Impractical: Aspirants In... at India
Travelling to india to write the medical entrance exam neet is not only stressful but also impractical, several candidates in gulf countries have said, citing the risk of contracting covid-19 and the need to undergo a mandatory quarantine, among other issues.
Indian Air Force (iaf) Recruitment Of 241 Afcat (01/2023) For Flying Branch & Ground Duty (technical And Non-technical) at India
Indian air force is inviting applications for 241 afcat (01/2023) for flying branch & ground duty (technical and non-technical). online applications are invited for the courses commencing in july 2023 for grant of short service commission (ssc) in flying branch and permanent commission (pc) and short service commission (ssc) in ground duty (technical and nontechnical) [] the post indian air force (iaf) recruitment of 241 afcat (01/2023) for flying branch & ground duty (technical and non-technical)...
Students From Delhi Government Schools Qualify Neet-jee 2020 With Flying Colours at India
Addressing a press conference here kejriwal said, every time there is some depressing news about covid-19 but this time, there is some good news as 569 students of delhi government schools have passed neet examination, out of which 379 are girls. 67 per cent girls have passed in this examination with flying colours.
Nagpur Flying Club Recruitment 2019 at India
Nagpur flying club recruitment 2019 nagpur flying club recruitment 2019: nagpur flying club has published the notification for the recruitment of maintenance manager posts. the number of post is 01. for recruitment to the posts eligible applicants attend the walk-in-interview on any working day between 10 am to 6 pm along with essential documents and []the post nagpur flying club recruitment 2019 appeared first on fastest job