Latest General Nurse And Government Jobs

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Nurse And Medical Officer (general Duty) Jobs Under Kolkata Port Trust at India
Kolkata port trust is recruiting 09 general duty medical officer (gdmo) and nurse. the vacancies are in centenary hospital of kolkata port trust. the candidates will be appointed on contract basis for a period of one (01) year or six (06) months for the post of general duty medical officer (gdmo) and for six (06) []
General Nurse And Midwife (gnm) Jobs Under Calcutta School Of Tropical Medicine at India
Calcutta school of tropical medicine is recruiting 01 general nurse midwife (gnm). the vacancy is on contractual basis in thalassaemia control unit of calcutta school of tropical medicine under state thalassaemia control programme, west bengal state health and family welfare samiti, govt. of west bengal. eligible and interested candidates may appear directly for the walk-in-interview []
Staff Nurse And General Duty Medical Officer Jobs In Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited (hecl) at India
Heavy engineering corporation limited (hecl) is recruiting 05 general duty medical officer (gdmo) and staff nurse. the candidates will be appointed on full time contract basis initially for a period of one (01) year, which may be extended for further period depending upon the need of the company. eligible and interested candidates may appear directly []
Staff Nurse And Medical Officer (general Duty) In Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited (hecl) at India
Heavy engineering corporation limited (hecl) is recruiting 05 general duty medical officer (gdmo) and staff nurse. the candidates will be appointed on full time contract basis initially for a period of one (01) year, which may be extended for further period depending upon the need of the company. eligible and interested candidates may appear directly []

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