Gsecl Recruitment 2023 Instrument Mechanic Job Vacancy Online Job Application Form Available At at India
On 02/01/2023, gsecl announced job notification to hire candidates who completed diploma for the position of instrument mechanic.
Gsecl Admit Card 2021 (today) @, Instrument Mechanic, Lab Tester, Nurse Exam Date (out) at India
The post gsecl admit card 2021 (today) @ , instrument mechanic, lab tester, nurse exam date (out) appeared first on tamilan jobs. gsecl admit card 2021 (today) @ & instrument mechanic, lab tester, nurse exam date (out): the officials of the gujarat state electricity corporation limited (gsecl) will release the gsecl admit card 2021. and the officials will be conducted the gsecl instrument mechanic, lab tester, nurse, radiology-cum-pathology technician exam on 26th march 2021. for that [] the...
Gsecl Recruitment 2021 - Instrument Mechanic Vacancy - 56600 Salary - Apply Soon at India
On 29/12/2020, gsecl announced job notification to hire candidates who completed diploma for the position of instrument mechanic.
Gsecl Vidyut Sahayak Syllabus 2020 Instrument Mechanic Exam Pattern at India
Gsecl vidyut sahayak syllabus 2020 gsecl junior assistant exam pattern 2020 gujarat state electricity corporation limited junior engineer detailed syllabus 2020 how to prepare for gsecl exam gsecl selection process gsecl vidyut sahayak syllabus 2020 about recruitment: gsecl has invited application for the post of vidyut sahayak, instrument mechanic & various others. the total number []
Gsecl Vidyut Sahayak Admit Card 2020 Instrument Mechanic Hall Ticket at India
Gsecl vidyut sahayak admit card 2020 gsecl junior assistant hall ticket 2020 electrical mechanical plant attendant instrument mechanic gujarat state electricity corporation limited junior engineer admit card 2020 gsecl vidyut sahayak admit card 2020 about recruitment :- gsecl has invited application for the post of vidyut sahayak, instrument mechanic & various others. the total number []
Instrument Mechanic - Gsecl At Vadodara at India
Instrument mechanic recruitment in gujarat state electricity corporation limited no. of vacancies nbsp; 37 qualification full time diploma instrumentation amp; control in regular mode from recognized university duly approved by ugc aicte with minimum 55 in last year 5th amp; 6th semester. remuneration nbsp; nbsp;the selected candidate will be appointed to the post of instrument mechanic in the pay-scale rs. 26000-56600 on regular establishment. age limit nbsp; for unreserved category 35 years