Latest Junior Engineer Municipal Government Jobs

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Junior Engineer Jobs In Panaji At Department Of Urban Development Or Municipal Administration, Panaji - Apply Now at India
On 10/08/2021, department of urban development or municipal administration, panaji announced job notification to hire candidates who completed ,diploma for the position of junior engineer.
Accountant Junior Engineer Steno Typist Patwari - Municipal Corporation Chandigarh At Chandigarh at India
Municipal corporation chandigarh, new deluxe building, sector 17, chandigarh invites online applications from eligible candidates for recruitment of following positions on temporary basis likely to be regularized in the municipal corporation, chandigarh. the last date for submission of online applications is 3rd may 2021. name of the post no of vacancies station fire officer 01 fireman 81 driver 04 sde civil 01 sde horticulture 02 accountant 02 sub inspector enf. 06 junior engineer civil 04
Municipal Corporation Chandigadh 2021 Job Notification Just Now Released. Apply For Junior Engineer Job Openings, Apply Now at India
On 09/04/2021, municipal corporation chandigadh announced job notification to hire candidates who completed ,diploma for the position of junior engineer.
Malegaon Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2021 - Junior Engineer Vacancy - Apply Now!! at India
On 29/12/2020, malegaon municipal corporation announced job notification to hire candidates who completed for the position of junior engineer.
Junior Engineer Supervisor Worker - Thane Municipal Corporation At Mumbai at India
Junior engineer supervisor worker job opportunities in thane municipal corporation junior engineer no. of posts nbsp; 14 qualification nbsp; nbsp;bachelor s degree in architectural, mechanical, electrical engineering pay nbsp; supervisor no. of posts nbsp; 16 qualification nbsp; nbsp;diploma in architectural, mechanical, electrical engineering pay nbsp; worker nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; no. of posts nbsp; 90
Junior Engineer - Municipal Corporation Chandigarh At Chandigarh at India
Junior engineer recruitment in municipal corporation chandigarh junior engineer 341 posts qualification engg. graduate. age limit maximum 38 - 45 years salary - 122800 permonth application fees gen obc nbsp;sc st ex-servicemen

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