Part Time Lecturer - Osmania University At Hyderabad at India
Osmania university jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of part time lecturer posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with osmania university can apply offline application on or before 2023-10-26. part time lecturer posts qualification post graduate degree in concerned subjects journalism and mass communication public administration with minimum 55 marks. 2. ugc net set in the concerned subject 3. in
Assistant Professor Lecturer Tsset 2019 - Telangana State Eligibility Test At Hyderabad at India
Assistant professor amp; lecturer tsset 2019 nbsp; job opportunities in telangana state eligibility test qualification nbsp; , , , mba, mlisc, , , mcj, llm, mca and cse amp; it only with min 55 marks mode of recruitment the test will consist of two papers. both the papers will consist of only objective type questions and will be held in 3 hours of duration in one session. paper ndash; i shall have 50 objective type questions each carrying 2 marks. the questions