Tezpur University Announces Admission 2021-22 For Phd, Mtech, Btech Programmes at India
Tezpur, 13 july 2021: tezpur university, a central university in assam, has announced admission to btech, (lateral entry), mtech and phd programmes for the academic year 2021-22. key dates & how to apply: the eligible candidates apply through the link: by paying the application fee of rs. 800/- per candidate (rs. 400/- for []the post tezpur university announces admission 2021-22 for phd, mtech, btech programmes appeared first on
Iit Bhubaneswar Launces Mtech Courses In Evs And Vlsi at India
Bhubaneswar, 13 march 2022: iit bhubaneswar is going to start cutting-edge mtech courses in micro and nano electronics & vlsi design and electric vehicles from july 2022 onwards. the former course is the most advanced version of the courses available in this area in the country and abroad and it is designed to provide education []the post iit bhubaneswar launces mtech courses in evs and vlsi appeared first on
Iit Kharagpur Coordinates Coap 2023 For Mtech Admission In Iits; Open For Registration From 18 March at India
Kharagpur, 08 march 2023: the registration for common offer acceptance portal (coap) 2022 will open from 18 march 2023. iit kharagpur is the coordinating institute for coap 2023. the results of gate 2022 have been declared on 16 march 2023 (thursday). coap provides a common platform for the registered candidates to make the most preferred []the post iit kharagpur coordinates coap 2023 for mtech admission in iits; open for registration from 18 march appeared first on
Iit Delhi Opens Admission For Phd And Mtech Courses Semester I 2022-23 at India
New delhi, 15 march 2022: indian institute of technology (iit) delhi, an institution of eminence (ioe), has released admission notification for phd, mtech, ms (r), mdes, mpp and msc programmes. iit delhi offers 31 phd, 41 mtech, 16 ms(r), 5 msc, 3 mba, one mpp and one mdes programmes, key dates: submission of online application []the post iit delhi opens admission for phd and mtech courses semester i 2022-23 appeared first on
Iit Ropar Announces Mtech Admission 2022-23 For 179 Seats With Gate Fellowships at India
Ropar, 22 march 2022: indian institute technology (iit) ropar, an institute of national importance, has announced admission for mtech programmes for 2022-23. total vacant seats: the total number of vacant mtech seats are179 in 12 specilizations. selection will be based on the gate performance for the year 2020/2021 candidates are required to register on []the post iit ropar announces mtech admission 2022-23 for 179 seats with gate fellowships appeared first on
North-eastern Hill University Announces Admission 2021 For Phd, Mtech, Pg, Ug Courses at India
Shillong, meghalaya:north-eastern hill university, shillong, a central university in meghalaya, has released admission notification for academic year 2021-22. admission is open in the following courses of study: (hons)/ (agri-business & food technology) / master of tourism & travel management(mttm)/ in horticulture and phd. how to apply and application fee: students applying courses/programmes [] the post north-eastern hill university announces admission 2021 for phd, mtech, pg, ug...
Iit Kanpur Announces Mtech, Phd &msc Admission For Sem I 2024-25 at India
Kanpur, 19 march 2024:indian institute of technology (iit) kanpur, an institution of national importance, has released admission notification for mtech, phd, ms(r), msc programmes for semester i 2024-25. regular phd scholars will received institute fellowships. applications are invited for admission to july 2024 semester in the following programmes: m tech: aerospace engineering * unmanned aerial [] the post iit kanpur announces mtech, phd &msc admission for sem i 2024-25 appeared first on
Iiit Hyderabad Opens Phd, Mtech & Ms (research) Admission Monsoon 2023 With Teaching Assistantship at India
Hyderabad, 04 march 2023: international institute of information technology (iiit) hyderabad has released pg entrance examination (pgee) notification monsoon 2023. pg entrance examination (pgee) is for admission into the following programs. master of technology ( ) programme which is based on course work. master of science ( ) and doctor of philosophy ( ) programmes which require some [] the post iiit hyderabad opens phd, mtech & ms (research) admission monsoon 2023 with teaching assistantship...
Iit Gandhinagar Opens Admission To Work And Study Mtech 2024 ! Monthly Fellowships @inr 18k at India
Gandhinagar, 20 march 2024: indian institute of technology (iit) gandhinagar, a national institute of importance, has announced admission to work and study mtech for the academic year 2024-2025. this programme will provide the students a unique opportunity to engage with sophisticated equipment, laboratories, and research facilities while pursuing mtech at iitgn. the duration for this [] the post iit gandhinagar opens admission to work and study mtech 2024 ! monthly fellowships @inr 18k appeared...
Iit Kanpur Announces Mtech & Phd Admission With Fellowships For Semester Ii 2022-23 at India
Kanpur, 27 october 2022: indian institute of technology (iit) kanpur, an institute of national importance, has announced admission to phd /mtech/mdes/ms(by research) 2022-23-ii semester. fellowships: financial support (institute assistantship/scholarship) will be provided to non-sponsored phd, mtech and ms (by research) students. key dates: the online applications portal will be available from 26 oct 2022 (wednesday) [] the post iit kanpur announces mtech & phd admission with fellowships...
Indian Statistical Institute Announces Admission 2023-24: Ug, Mtech, Pg & Phd Programmes With Fellowships at India
Kolkata, 12 february 2023: indian statistical institute (isi), kolkata, has announced admission 2023-24. isi kolkata offers degree (ug & pg) and diploma as well as junior research fellowships (phd) programmes. proggrames offred for 2023-24: b stat (hons) b math (hons) m stat m math ms (qe) ms (qms) ms (lis) m tech (cs) m tech []the post indian statistical institute announces admission 2023-24: ug, mtech, pg & phd programmes with fellowships appeared first on
Iit Kharagpur Launches Three Mtech Courses Including Artificial Intelligence (ai) For 2024 at India
Kharagpur, 22 march 2024: indian institute of technology (iit), kharagpur, an institute of national importance, has launched three new mtech programmes for academic year 2024. these three specializations are as followed: artificial intelligence safety engineering & analytics operations research and data analytics admission mtech in ai will be though through gate papers da, cs, ec, [] the post iit kharagpur launches three mtech courses including artificial intelligence (ai) for 2024 appeared first...
Iit Madras Launches New Mtech Course In Data Science And Artificial Intelligence For 2024-25 at India
Madras, 24 march 2024: indian institute of technology (iit), madras, an institute of national importance, has launched a new mtech programmes in data science and artificial intelligence for academic year 2024. this course will sharpen the candidates skill in areas like machine learning, deep learning, and big data analytics, among others. candidates must have qualified [] the post iit madras launches new mtech course in data science and artificial intelligence for 2024-25 appeared first...
Iit Roorkee Launches Four New Mtech Courses Including Online Mtech On Future Technologies at India
Roorkee, 02 august 2021: indian institute of technology (iit), roorkee has launched seven new academic programmes in select areas of engineering, architecture, economics, and management along with specialization in data science and artificial intelligence to cater to the rising demand for new-age technologies. the programmes, which include six postgraduate degree programs and one five-year integrated [] the post iit roorkee launches four new mtech courses including online mtech on future technologies...
Iisc Bangalore Launches Two New Msc And One Mtech Courses For 2022-23 at India
Bangalore, 15 february 2022: indian institute of science (iisc) bangalore, indias top ranked research university, has launched four new courses for academic year 2022-23. a new btech in mathematics and computing has been started with selection based on jee (advanced) exam. an coursework-based programme is being offered in life sciences and in chemical sciences. []the post iisc bangalore launches two new msc and one mtech courses for 2022-23 appeared first on
Iit (ism) Dhanbad Opens Mtech Admission Ay 2023-24 For 592 Seats In 14 Courses at India
Dhanbad, 29 march 2023: indian institute of technology (indian school of mines) dhanbad, an institute of national importance, has released mtech admission notification for 2023-24. iit (ism) dhanbad offers mtech programme is 14 specialization. iit(ism) offers admission in m. tech. in three different modes: candidates with gate score (may be called gate candidates) iit graduates []the post iit (ism) dhanbad opens mtech admission ay 2023-24 for 592 seats in 14 courses appeared first on
Kurnool District Andhra Pradesh Recruitment 2022 Apply Online Social Worker Cum Ece, Chowkidhar, More Vacancies Job Vacancy 2022 Online Application Form Available At Kurnool.ap.gov.in - News at India
On 26/08/2022, kurnool district andhra pradesh announced job notification to hire candidates who completed n/a for the position of social worker cum ece, chowkidhar, more vacancies.
Gate Not Mandatory: Iit Gandhinagar Opens Early Admit Mtech Admission July 2022 With Fellowships at India
Gandhinagar, 23 february 2022: indian institute of technology (iit) gandhinagar, an institute of national importance, invites applications from eligible from btech students from select institutes for its early admit mtech programme beginning in july 2022. program highlights: gate score is not mandatory for admission rs. 12,400/- + rs. 3,000 (directors fellowship) per month (with valid [] the post gate not mandatory: iit gandhinagar opens early admit mtech admission july 2022 with fellowships...
Gate Not Required: Iisc Bangalore Announces Mtech Admission (via Cfti Mode) For 37 Seats at India
Bangalore, 07 march 2024: indian institute of science (iisc) bangalore, indias top ranked research -(2) 1-year master of engineering (m. engg.) and (3) joint m. tech programme with taiwanese universities for acad. year 2024-25 onwards. x mtech programme through cfti mode of entry: graduates of any course with a minimum duration of four years, from []the post gate not required: iisc bangalore announces mtech admission (via cfti mode) for 37 seats appeared first on
Iit Delhi Launches An Inter-disciplinary Mtech Programme In Robotics at India
New delhi, 23 march 2023: iit delhi has launched a new inter-disciplinary academic programme m tech. in robotics. the two-year programme will be jointly offered by the department of computer science & engineering, the department of electrical engineering, the department of mechanical engineering, and the yardi school of artificial intelligence in association with the center []the post iit delhi launches an inter-disciplinary mtech programme in robotics appeared first on
Rajiv Gandhi Institute Of Petroleum Technology, Amethi Opens Admission 2022: Mtech 95 Seats And Phd 34 Seats With Fellowships at India
Amethi, 15 may 2022: rajiv gandhi institute of petroleum technology (rgipt), jais, amethi, an institute of national importance, is an autonomous institution established by the government of india. rgipt has announced admission to mtech and phd progarmmes for 2022-23 (odd semester) for its amethi and bangalore campuses. the institute at jais, which has two engineering; [] the post rajiv gandhi institute of petroleum technology, amethi opens admission 2022: mtech 95 seats and phd 34 seats...
Gate Not Mandatory: Iit Gandhinagar Opens Early Admit Mtech Admission July 2023 With Fellowships at India
Gandhinagar, 21 february 2022: indian institute of technology (iit) gandhinagar, an institute of national importance, invites applications from eligible from btech students from select institutes for its early admit mtech programme beginning in july 2023. program highlights: gate score is not mandatory for admission rs. 12,400/- + rs. 3,000 (directors fellowship) per month (with valid [] the post gate not mandatory: iit gandhinagar opens early admit mtech admission july 2023 with fellowships...
Iiit Delhi Announces Mtech Admission 2023-24: 213 Seats For Gate & 72 Seats For Non-gate Category at India
New delhi, 12 march 2023: indraprastha institute of information technology delhi (iiit delhi) has announced mtech admission for 2023-24. mtech courses are available for gate and non-gate candidates. candidates with valid gate score will only be eligible for assistantship. total seats: the total seats available for gate candidates are 213 while the total seats []the post iiit delhi announces mtech admission 2023-24: 213 seats for gate & 72 seats for non-gate category appeared first on
Decoding Key Features Of Mtech Program In Defence Technology Launched By Drdo & Aicte at India
New delhi, 13 july 2021: defence research and development organisation (drdo) and all india council for technical education (aicte) have launched a regular mtech. program in defence technology by to impart necessary theoretical & experimental knowledge, skill and aptitude in various defence technology areas. the program has received positive response from student community while it [] the post decoding key features of mtech program in defence technology launched by drdo & aicte appeared first...
Nit Jaipur Opens Phd & Mtech Admission July 2022 With Institute Assistantship at India
Jaipur, rajasthan, 28 may 2022: malaviya national institute of technology (manit) jaipur, an institute of national importance & popularly known as nit jaipur, has called invited applications for phd programmes odd semester 2022-23. the institute may provide financial assistance to postgraduate students in the form of teaching or research assistantships (referred to as institute assistantship). [] the post nit jaipur opens phd & mtech admission july 2022 with institute assistantship appeared first...
Iit Kanpur Announces Mtech & Phd Admission With Fellowships For Semester I 2023-24 at India
Kanpur, 23 march 2023: indian institute of technology (iit) kanpur, an institute of national importance, has announced admission to phd /mtech/mdes/ms(by research)/ msc 2023-24-i semester. applications are invited for admission to july 2023 semester in the following programmes: m tech: aerospace engineering * unmanned aerial systems engineering * biological sciences & bio engineering * chemical [] the post iit kanpur announces mtech & phd admission with fellowships for semester i 2023-24...
Iiit Bhagalpur Opens Mtech & Phd Admission For 2023-24 at India
Bhagalpur, 23 may 2023: indian institute of information technology, bhagalpur, an institute of national importance, has announced phd & mtech admission for 2023-24. list of courses offered: mtech regular -(2 year program) mtech part-time (3 year program) mtech executive (online) (3 year program) for working professionals phd regular and part-time phd admission is []the post iiit bhagalpur opens mtech & phd admission for 2023-24 appeared first on
Iit Bhubaneswar Announces Mtech Admission 2022-23 For More Than 250 Seats at India
Bhubaneswar, 04 april 2022: indian institute of technology (iit) bhubaneswar, an institute of national importance, has announced admission for mtech programmes for academic year 2022-23. mtech programmes are available in 16 specializations for more than 250 seats. mtech students will receive financial assistance as the govt of india norms. key dates: starting date for online []the post iit bhubaneswar announces mtech admission 2022-23 for more than 250 seats appeared first on
Rajiv Gandhi Institute Of Petroleum Technology Jais Opens Phd & Mtech Admission July 2022 With Institute Assistantship at India
Jais, 18 june 2022: rajiv gandhi institute of petroleum technology (rgipt), jais, an institute of national importance, has announced admission to m tech and ph d programmes for odd (july) semester of the academic year 2022-23. the admission are available for its centres, energy institutes, bengaluru & aei, sivasagar. mtech financial assistance in the form [] the post rajiv gandhi institute of petroleum technology jais opens phd & mtech admission july 2022 with institute assistantship appeared...
National Institute Of Food Technology Entrepreneurship And Management Admission 2021: Mtech 90 Setas & Phd 33 Seats at India
Sonepat, haryana, 06 aug 2021: national institute of food technology entrepreneurship and management (niftem), sonepat, a deemed university operating under ministry of food processing industries, has released official admission notification for the academic year 2021-22. the various programmes btech, mtech, mba and phd are offered for ay 2021-22. niftem has recently received the tag [] the post national institute of food technology entrepreneurship and management admission 2021: mtech 90...
Tezpur University Opens Admission 2023-24 For Phd, Mtech, Pg Programs: Phd In 27 Subjects at India
Tezpur, 27 march 2023: tezpur university, a central university in assam, has announced admission to btech (lateral entry), pg, mtech and phd programmes for the academic year 2023-24. tezpur university, tezpur, assam will hold the tezpur university entrance examinations (tuee) for admission into various , post graduate (pg) and (lateral entry) programmes for the []the post tezpur university opens admission 2023-24 for phd, mtech, pg programs: phd in 27 subjects appeared first on
Iit Guwahati Launches Two New Mtech Couses, Two New Mtech Specializations, One New Ma Program at India
Guwahati, 04 april 2022: indian institute of technology (iit) guwahati, an institute of national importance, has announced admission to postgraduate programmes for july 2022 session. these pg programmes include doctoral/mtech/mdes/ms(r)/ma programmes. iit guwahati has announced two new mtech programmes, two new mtech specializations, one new ma programme for ay 2022-23: mtech in bioengineering offered by [] the post iit guwahati launches two new mtech couses, two new mtech specializations,...
Iit Madras Bsc In Programming & Data Science Now Comes With A 4-year Bs Degree Option, Can Appear For Gate And Pursue An Mtech at India
Chennai , 01 august 2022: indian institute of technology madras (iit madras) bsc in programming and data science now comes with an option for a four-year bs degree in data science and applications, following strong demand from students all over the country. as part of the bs level, students can do an 8-month apprenticeship or []the post iit madras bsc in programming & data science now comes with a 4-year bs degree option, can appear for gate and pursue an mtech appeared first on
Jceceb Ece (le) Admission 2023 Jharkhand Engineering Lateral Entry at India
Jceceb ece (le) admission 2023 jharkhand engineering entrance competitive examination (lateral entry) 2023 jharkhand combined entrance competitive examination board engineering (le) application form 2023 jceceb engineering entrance competitive examination (lateral entry) admissions 2023 jceceb ece (le) admission 2023 latest update dated 23/02/2023: jceceb will start the application process for engineering entrance competitive examination (lateral entry) [] the post jceceb ece (le) admission 2023...
Kreatryx Rank Predictor [gate 2023 Score Card] Ece/eee/cse at India
Kreatryx rank predictor 2023 gate exam concludes into a gate kreatryx rank predictor score and rank, which then decides the []the post kreatryx rank predictor [gate 2023 score card] ece/eee/cse appeared first on sarkari disha.
Iisc Bangalore Admission 2023: Decoding Eligibility For Mtech (research) & Phd Programmes at India
Bangalore, 10 february 2023: indian institute of science (iisc) bangalore, indias top ranked research university, has announced admission for 2023-24 for ug, pg and research degree programmes. research students constitute the largest group on the campus (more than 70% of the student body). the institute awards about 250 ph d and m tech (research) degrees, []the post iisc bangalore admission 2023: decoding eligibility for mtech (research) & phd programmes appeared first on
Iisc Bangalore Announces Admission August 2022 For Ug, Mtech (res) & Phd Programmes at India
Bangalore, 06 february 2022: indian institute of science (iisc) bangalore, indias top ranked research university, has announced admission 2022 august cycle for ug, pg and research degree programmes. iisc bangalore invites applications for the following degree programmes: under-graduate (ug) programmes bachelor of science (research) tech. (mathematics and computing) post-graduate (pg) course programmes tech. and [] the post iisc bangalore announces admission august 2022 for ug, mtech (res)...
Gate Not Require: Indian Institute Of Space Science And Technology Opens Mtech Admission 2024 For Central Government Employees at India
Thiruvananthapuram, 17 march 2024: indian institute of space science and technology announced admission to mtech and master of science programmes (sponsored) for the academic year 2024 2025 for all central government employees. the institute ism offering: two years full time pg programme: the employees shall avail 24 months study leave to pursue and complete pg [] the post gate not require: indian institute of space science and technology opens mtech admission 2024 for central government...
Iit Kanpur Launches Two Mtech Programmes: One In Drone Technology Other In Cognitive Systems at India
Kanpur, 04 march 2023: the indian institute of technology (iit), kanpur, has approved two new mtech programmes in response to the growing needs of the industry and society. the approved programme on unmanned aerial systems engineering makes iit kanpur the first institute in india to offer a dedicated mtech programme in drone technology, and the []the post iit kanpur launches two mtech programmes: one in drone technology other in cognitive systems appeared first on
Iisc Bangalore Announces Admission 2024-25 For Phd, Mtech, Msc, Btech at India
Bangalore, 09 february 2023: indian institute of science (iisc) bangalore, indias top ranked research university, has announced admission for 2024-25 academic year. iisc bangalore invites applications for the following degree programmes: (1) research programmes [ph d / m tech (research)] (2) course programmes in engineering [m tech/m des/m mgt] (3) course programmes in science [m []the post iisc bangalore announces admission 2024-25 for phd, mtech, msc, btech appeared first on
National Institute Of Food Technology Entrepreneurship And Management Announces Admission 2020-21: 90 Seats For Mtech, 33 For Phd, 30 For Mba at India
Sonepat, 30 june 2021: national institute of food technology entrepreneurship and management (niftem), new delhi, a deemed university operating under ministry of food processing industries, has announced admission notification for the academic year 2021-22. the various programmes btech, mtech, mba and phd are offered for ay 2021-22. mtech programmes details: mtech programmes are offered [] the post national institute of food technology entrepreneurship and management announces admission 2020-21:...
Ap Ecet Previous Question Papers Download Model Papers For Ece, Eee, Cse, Mechanical & Other Courses @ Cets.apsche.ap.gov.in/ecet at India
Ap ecet previous papers | free ap ecet previous year question papers with answers at : the links to download with ap ecet previous question papers with answer keys pdf are given on this page. the official ap ecet question papers can be known either through the page or from our page. so all []
Indian Institute Of Food Processing Technology (iifpt) Announces Admission 2021-22: 36 Seats For Mtech & 16 Seats For Phd at India
Thanjavur, tamil nadu, 01 august 2021: indian institute of food processing technology (iifpt), institute of national importance under ministry of food processing industries, has announced mtech and phd admission 2021-22. programe details: mtech food technology- 12 seats food process technology -12 seats food safety & quality assurance -12 seats phd food process engineering -08 [] the post indian institute of food processing technology (iifpt) announces admission 2021-22: 36 seats for mtech...
Iit Bhubaneswar Announces Mtech Admission 2023-24 For 298 Seats at India
Bhubaneswar, 03 march 2023: indian institute of technology (iit) bhubaneswar, an institute of national importance, has announced admission for mtech programmes for academic year 2023-24. mtech programmes are available in 15 specializations for 298 seats. mtech students will receive financial assistance as the govt of india norms. iit bhubaneswar is going to offer one new []the post iit bhubaneswar announces mtech admission 2023-24 for 298 seats appeared first on
Mtech & Phd Admission 2022-23 Open For Teachers Under Quality Improvement Programme By Aicte at India
New delhi, 14 march 2022: application portal is open from regular teachers of aicte approved degree level engineering institutions for the admission to master degree and advance admission to programme under qip for year 2022-2023. the main objective of quality improvement programme is to upgrade the expertise and capabilities of teachers of the aicte []the post mtech & phd admission 2022-23 open for teachers under quality improvement programme by aicte appeared first on
Iisc Bangalore Announces Online Mtech (sponsored) Admission 2024-25 at India
Bangalore, 21 february 2024: indian institute of science (iisc) bangalore, indias top ranked research university, has announced admission for online mtech (sponsored) for 2024-25. the programme is designed for professionals who already have a be/btech/equivalent degree and wish to upskill or re-skill. this is a sponsored program, where organisations having an moa with iisc nominate []the post iisc bangalore announces online mtech (sponsored) admission 2024-25 appeared first on
Mtech & Phd Admission 2023-24 Open For Teachers Under Quality Improvement Programme By Aicte at India
New delhi, 03 march 2023: application portal is open from regular teachers of aicte approved degree level engineering institutions for the admission to master degree and advance admission to programme under qip for year 2023-2024. programmes offered: master programme ( m. tech.) for the year 2023 phd programme (advance admission: 2023- 24, final admission: []the post mtech & phd admission 2023-24 open for teachers under quality improvement programme by aicte appeared first on
Iisc Bangalore Announces Admission 2023-24 For Ug, Msc, Mtech & Phd Programmes at India
Bangalore, 04 february 2023: indian institute of science (iisc) bangalore, indias top ranked research university, has announced admission 2023 august cycle for ug, pg and research degree programmes. iisc bangalore invites applications for the following degree programmes: under-graduate (ug) programmes bachelor of science (research) tech. (mathematics and computing) post-graduate (pg) course programmes tech. and [] the post iisc bangalore announces admission 2023-24 for ug, msc, mtech & phd...
Iisc Bangalore Launches A New Mtech Program From 2024-25 Ay at India
Bangalore, 19 february 2024: indian institute of science (iisc) bangalore, indias top ranked research university, has announced admission for 2024-25 academic year. this year a new program in sustainable technology is being introduced from the current academic year. in the last couple of years, we have introduced various new degree programs like m. sc. []the post iisc bangalore launches a new mtech program from 2024-25 ay appeared first on
Iit Madras Mtech Admission 2024 Opens From 20 March: Mtech In Data Science & Ai New Course at India
Chennai, 12 march 2024:indian institute of technology (iit) madras, an institute of national importance, has announce mtech and ma admission for 2024-2025. the application portal will open from 20 march 2024. iit madras offers mtech courses in 18 departments for 21 mtech programs. iit madras offers ma in 3 disciplines. for 2024-25, iit madras introduces []the post iit madras mtech admission 2024 opens from 20 march: mtech in data science & ai new course appeared first on