Nafed Gm (f&a), M (hr) & Am (legal) Application Form 2019, Last Date: 18 Jan 2019 at India
Nafedrecruitment 2019 (national agricultural cooperative marketing federation of india ltd.) post name gm (f&a), manager (hr) & am (legal) ...
Nafed Consultant Vacancy (delhi) at India
Consultant vacancy - last date 15 september 2020 (delhi), for , , , mca
Nafed Recruitment 2020 - Chief Consultant Vacancy - Salary 90,000 - Apply Now at India
On 08/12/2020, nafed announced job notification to hire candidates who completed mvsc, for the position of chief consultant.
Nafed Recruitment Various Deo Posts at India
Nafedrecruitment national agriculture cooperative marketing federation of india limitedrecruitment find employeesfor the post of variousdeo vacancies in delhi.employment job sites publish the notification and done the job posting on job search board.this is a great chance for interested candidates who are looking forsarkarinaukri / government jobs. they all can apply online mode before or the post nafed recruitment various deo posts appeared...
Nafed Recruitment 2019 03 Manager, Assistant Manager & General Manager Vacancy @ at India
Nafed recruitment 2019 nafed aka national agriculture cooperative marketing federation of india ltd. invites application for the post of 03 manager, assistant manager & general manager. apply before 18 january 2019.nafed recruitment qualification/ eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below official website is careers bhel bsnl mppgcl niacl national agriculture cooperative marketing federation of the post nafed recruitment 2019 03 manager, assistant manager...
Nafed Recruitment 2019 Apply Online (03 Manager Vacancies) at India
National agricultural cooperative marketing federation (nafed) requires hr, legal and finance & accounts professionals for recruitment of various level of managerial positions. apply within
Nafed Recruitment 2019 Deo, Account, Marketing, Hr Manager, Consultant, Legal, Gm | 3 Vacancies at India
Nafed recruitment 2019 apply online for 5 deo, account, marketing executive, consultant jobs in national agriculture cooperative marketing federation of india ltd. (nafed), new delhi. the eligibility criteria and other details are given below: jobs opportunity in national agriculture cooperative marketing federation of india ltd. (nafed), new delhi details: data entry operator (deo)- 02 []
Nafed Recruitment 2018 03 Manager, Assistant Manager & General Manager Vacancy @ at India
Nafed recruitment 2018 nafed aka national agriculture cooperative marketing federation of india ltd. invites application for the post of 03 manager, assistant manager & general manager. apply before 03 january 2019.nafed recruitment qualification/ eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below official website is national agriculture cooperative marketing federation of india ltd nafed recruitment ... the post nafed recruitment 2018 03 manager,...
Nafed Recruitment 2019 Legal, Hr Manager, Gm | 3 Vacancies at India
Nafed recruitment 2019 apply online for 3 legal, hr manager and gm jobs in new delhi national agriculture cooperative marketing federation of india ltd. the eligibility criteria and other details are given below: jobs opportunity in national agriculture cooperative marketing federation of india ltd. (nafed), new delhi details: general manager (finance & accounts) []
Nafed Recruitment 2019 Apply Online 03 Assistant Manager Posts at India
Nafed recruitment 2019 national agriculture cooperative marketing federation of indiarecruiting 03 candidates to fill their assistant manager job in all over india. aspirants are requested to go through the latestnafed job recruitment 2019 fully, before applying to this job. national agriculture cooperative marketing federation of india (nafed) career is comes under the government job. this [] the post nafed recruitment 2019 apply online 03 assistant manager...
Assistant Manager (it/ Accounts) In National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation Of India Ltd (nafed) at India
National agricultural cooperative marketing federation of india limited (nafed) invites online application for 05 posts of assistant manager- ii (it) and assistant manager (accounts). the candidates will be appointed on regular basis/ contract basis (initially for a period of one year to be extended further subject to satisfactory performance of the candidate). eligible and interested []
Nafed Recruitment 2020 - Veterinary Technical Consultant Vacancies - 45,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 08/12/2020, nafed announced job notification to hire candidates who completed bvsc, for the position of veterinary technical consultant.
Nafed Recruitment 2019 08data Entry Operator, Junior Account Assistant,assistant Manager & Various Vacancy @ at India
Nafed recruitment 2019 nafed aka national agriculture cooperative marketing federation of india ltd. invites application for the post of 08data entry operator, junior account assistant,assistant manager & various vacancy 2019.nafed recruitment qualification/ eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below official website is careers bhel bsnl mppgcl niacl national agriculture cooperative marketing federation of india the post nafed recruitment 2019 ...
Nafed Assistant Manager Vacancy (delhi) at India
Assistant manager vacancy - last date 21 april 2020 (delhi), for
Nafed Recruitment 2020 at India
Nafed recruitment 2020 national agricultural cooperative marketing federation of india ltd. (nafed) is going to recruit eligible applicants to the posts of chief operating officer posts. the number of posts is 01. the job location for these posts is anywhere in india. applicants having all necessary qualifications to the posts & age limit are []the post nafed recruitment 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Nafed Recruitment 2019 Apply Online Managers (03 Vacancies) at India
National agricultural cooperative marketing federation (nafed) requires hr, legal and finance & accounts professionals for recruitment of various level of managerial positions. apply within
Assistant Manager - Nafed At Pune at India
Name of post no of vacancy age limit compensation assistant manager legal 01 25 35 years 47600-151100 l-8 manager hr 01 35 45 years 67700-208700 l-11 general manager finance accounts 01 45 50 years 78800-209200 l-12 qualification and experience assistant manager legal full-time graduate degree in any discipline and full-time bachelors degree in law 03 years professional course with minimum 50 mark or 05 years integrated with minimum 50 marks. minimum 05 years post
Nafed Recruitment 2020 - Consultant Vacancies - 55,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 02/09/2020, nafed announced job notification to hire candidates who completed , , ,mca for the position of consultant.