Palestine Supporters Entered Australia's Parliament, Did Something Using The Roof Of The Building, Everyone Was Shocked at India
Creative common police and security advised people not to approach the building's main entrance directly under the protest, while more people were seen on the roof attempting to remove protesters. four pro-palestinian protesters were arrested on thursday for climbing onto the roof of australia's parliament house, an act condemned by lawmakers, on the same day []
Watch: Tmc Supporters Turn Up In Kolkata For July 21 Rally In Support Of Mamata Banerjee After India at India
A large number of trinamool congress (tmc) workers from villages and towns across the state of west bengal are gathering in kolkata, in preparation for the ruling partys martyrs day rally on july 21. buoyed by the victory in the recent rural elections, many enthusiastic party members have already arrived and have been accommodated in watch: tmc supporters turn up in kolkata for july 21 rally in support of mamata banerjee after india read more
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America. Students Demonstrated In American Colleges And Universities In Support Of Palestine at India
Washington. there were sporadic incidents of students protesting in support of palestine during convocation ceremonies in colleges and universities located from north carolina to california in america. at virginia commonwealth university, hundreds of undergraduate students walked out during governor glenn youngkin's address. according to the us wric tv channel, an estimated 100 students stood up []
Growing Pro-palestine Sentiments In England, Muslim Councilor Raised Slogans Of 'allah-hu-akbar' After Election Victory at India
Student protests have reached british university campuses. after being elected, a councilor raised the slogan of allahu akbar. more than 40 pro-palestinian campaigners have won seats as councilors in england, according to the daily mail. according to the british daily, he focused on the gaza conflict during his campaigns and received overwhelming support from voters, []
United Nations Entered Bangladesh Issue Took This Big Decision at India
@albd1971 the united nations human rights office said it will deploy a fact-finding team to bangladesh to investigate human rights violations linked to the excessive use of force by security forces to suppress student protests against the previous government. the office of the un high commissioner for human rights volker turk said it had received []
America: Students In Colleges And Universities Demonstrated In Support Of Palestine at India
Pattern photo creative common hundreds of undergraduate students walked out during governor glenn youngkin's address at virginia commonwealth university. according to the us wric tv channel, an estimated 100 students stood up and walked out during the republican governor's speech, with some students and their families demonstrating in support of palestine and others criticizing youngkin's []
Jharkhand: Supporters Of Indi Alliance Clashed With Each Other In Ranchi, Chairs And Sticks Were Thrown A Lot, Heads Also Broke, See Video at India
Image source : india tv chaos in indi alliance rally ranchi: a case of clash between supporters of indi alliance has come to light in ranchi, jharkhand. the situation became such that a lot of chairs and sticks were thrown among themselves, in which one person's head also got injured. the matter came to light []
How Will Vishwa Bandhu Deal With This Situationwhat Did S Jaishankar Say On Israel-palestine Conflict at India
Referring to the conflict in the middle east and the israel-palestine issue, external affairs minister s jaishankar on wednesday said india supports a homeland for palestinians and is public about its stance. speaking at gargi college on vishwa bandhu india, jaishankar said you have a very tense, very complex situation which involves israel, which involves []
Shaurya Path: Discussion With Brigadier Tripathi On Issues Related To Kargil War, India-china Relation And Israel-palestine at India
This week in sarkari result daily news networks special program shaurya path, we discussed with brigadier shri ds tripathi (retd) about issues related to kargil war, india-china relations and israel-palestine. here is the detailed interview- question 1. the country celebrated the 25th anniversary of kargil vijay diwas. how do you view the way prime minister []