Asha Swayam Sevika - Pcmc At Pimpri at India
Pcmc jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of 154 asha swayam sevika posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with pimpri chinchwad municipal corporation can apply offline application on or before 2023-05-04. asha swayam sevika 154 posts qualification minimum 10th 12th passed or highly educated women preferred. salary details as per rules age limit 25 to 40 years selection process selection will be based on
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2020 Asha Volunteer (360 Vacancies) at India
Pimpri chinchwad municipal corporation (pcmc), government of maharashtra invites applications for the post of asha volunteer for filling up 360 female vacancies. the interview scheduled to be held
Sangli Miraj Kupwad Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2023 at India
Sangli miraj kupwad mahanagarpalika bharti 2023: sangli miraj and kupwad city municipal corporation under the urban learning internship programmehas issued the notification for the recruitment of drug manufacturing officer posts. there are a total of 05 vacancies available for theses posts. the job location for these posts is in sangli. the candidates who are eligible []the post sangli miraj kupwad mahanagarpalika bharti 2023 appeared first on latest 2023 jobs &
Bhiwandi Nijampur Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2020 at India
Bhiwandi nijampur mahanagarpalika bharti 2020 bhiwandi nijampur mahanagarpalika bharti 2020: bhiwandi nizampur city municipal corporation published an advertisement for recruitment to the eligible applicants to physician experts, deafness expert, medical officer, staff nurse, anm, lab technician posts. applications are inviting for filling up the 95 vacancies of these posts to be filled. applicants to the []
Solapur Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2020 at India
Solapur mahanagar palika bharti 2020: solapur municipal corporation is going to recruit eligible applicants to the medical officer(gynecologist), , pharmacist and post under solapur mahanagar palika bharti 2020. there are 45 vacancies of the post to be filled.the post solapur mahanagarpalika bharti 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Malegaon Mahanagarpalika Recruitment 2020 at India
Nhm malegaon bharti 2020: national urban health mission, malegaon mahanagarpalika has published an advertisement for recruitment for full-time medical officer, pharmaceutical manufacturer, laboratory technician, gnm, anm posts.the post malegaon mahanagarpalika recruitment 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Nashik Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2022 at India
Nashik mahanagarpalika recruitment 2022- details nashik mahanagarpalika bharti 2022: nashik municipal corporation, general administrative department has declared the notification for the recruitment of public relations officer posts. the number of posts is 01. job location for these posts in nashik. for applications to these posts, eligible applicants may submission of application form to the given []the post nashik mahanagarpalika bharti 2022 appeared first on latest 2022 jobs &
Nagpur Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2023 at India
Nmc bharti 2023 - recruitment of 1500 posts in nmc - nagpur municipal corporation will started soon.the post nagpur mahanagarpalika bharti 2023 appeared first on latest 2023 jobs &
Kolhapur Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2024 at India
Kolhapur mahanagarpalika recruitment 2024: kolhapur municipal corporation has issued the notification for the recruitment of paediatricians, gynaecologists, medical officers, physicians, obsterics and gynaecologist, paediatrician, ophthalmologist, dermatologist, psychiatrist, ent specialist post. there are a total of 53 vacancies available for these posts in kolhapur mahanagarpalika. the job location for these posts is in kolhapur. the candidates [] the post kolhapur mahanagarpalika bharti...
Indrayani Cooperative Bank Pimpri Recruitment 2023 at India
Indrayani cooperative bank pimpri recruitment 2023: indrayani cooperative bank limited pimpri has issued the notification for the recruitment of chief exicutive officer, assistant general manager, manager posts. job location for these posts is in pune. there are total 7 vacancies available for this posts in indrayani bank bharti 2023. the candidates who are eligible for []the post indrayani cooperative bank pimpri recruitment 2023 appeared first on latest 2023 jobs &
Vasai Virar Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2024 at India
Vasai virar mahanagarpalika bharti 2023: uunder vasai virar city municipal corporation national urban health mission (nuhm) 15th finance commission for polyclinic, gynecologist, pediatrician, ophthalmologist, dermatologist, psychiatrist and ear-nose-throat specialist in this category. there are total 70 vacancies available for these posts. the recruitment process will be done on merit basis without direct interview for the [] the post vasai virar mahanagarpalika bharti 2024 appeared first...
Panvel Mahanagarpalika Recruitment 2020 at India
Panvel mahanagarpalika bharti 2020: panvel mahanagarpalika bharti 2020: panvel municipal corporation, raigad is going to recruit eligible applicants to physician, part-time physician, anesthetist, medical officer, medical officer ayush, staff nurse, health worker, and pharmacist poststhe post panvel mahanagarpalika recruitment 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Parbhani Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2020 at India
Parbhani municipal corporation recruitment 2020 parbhani mahanagarpalika bharti 2020 : parbhani mahanagarpalika, parbhani invites applications for filling up the eligible applicants to full- time medical officer, part-time medical officer, staff nurse posts. applications are inviting for filling up the various vacancies of these posts to be filled. interested applicants to these posts can be apply []the post parbhani mahanagarpalika bharti 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Pune Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2023 at India
Pune mahanagarpalika 2023 : mahanagarpalika invited application for various 45 posts. candidates just go through the complete pdf attachement given here, read all the instruction carefully and then walk in interview. vacancy details, eligibility, qualification etc., given briefly below. pune mahanagarpalika recruitment 2023 guideline given on this page. eligible and interested people read it and []the post pune mahanagarpalika bharti 2023 appeared first on latest 2023 jobs &
Chandrapur Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2023 at India
Chandrapur mahanagarpalika bharti 2023: chandrapur city municipal corporation, chandrapur has issued the notification for the recruitment of medical officer, microbiologist, epediemelogist & anm posts. applications are invited for filling up the 25vacancies of the posts to be filled. willing applicants to the posts can submit of application form to the given address. the last date []the post chandrapur mahanagarpalika bharti 2023 appeared first on latest 2023 jobs &
Mira Bhaindar Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2020 at India
Mira bhaindar mahanagarpalika thane bharti 2020:-mira bhaindar mahanagarpalika thane invited for filling up vacant posts of operation manager, its officer posts.the post mira bhaindar mahanagarpalika bharti 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Kolhapur Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2021 at India
Kolhapur mahanagarpalika bharti 2021: kolhapur municipal corporation, yashwantrao chavan ( ) the collegehas declared the notification for the recruitment of chb teacher posts in various subjects. there is a total of 25 vacancies available for these posts. candidates who possess a given qualification may apply for these posts. eligible and interested candidates should appear along with []the post kolhapur mahanagarpalika bharti 2021 appeared first on latest 2021 jobs &
Amravati Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2023 at India
Amravati mahanagarpalika bharti 2023: amravati municipal corporation has issued the notification for the recruitment of specialist posts. there are a total of 30vacancies available for these posts in amravati mahanagarplika bharti 2023. the job location for these posts is in amravati. the candidates who are eligible for this post only apply to amravati municipal corporation. []the post amravati mahanagarpalika bharti 2023 appeared first on latest 2023 jobs &
Nuhm Mumbai Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2024 at India
Nuhm mumbai mahanagarpalika bharti 2024 : national urban health mission,mumbai has issued the notification for the recruitment of consultant epidemiologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist and public health manager posts. there are total 11 vacancies available for this posts. the job location for these posts is mumbai. the candidates who are eligible for these posts only apply to []the post nuhm mumbai mahanagarpalika bharti 2024 appeared first on latest 2024 jobs & vacancies.
Amravati Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2020 at India
Amravati mahanagarpalika bharti 2020: amravati municipal corporationis going to recruit eligible applicants to medical officer, medical officer ayush, staff nurse, lab technician, attendant posts. applications are inviting for filling up the 39 vacancies of the posts to be filled. applicants to the posts posses with mbbs qualifications as per the posts are eligible to apply. []the post amravati mahanagarpalika bharti 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Chandrapur Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2020 at India
Chandrapur mahanagarpalika bharti 2020 chandrapur mahanagarpalika bharti 2020: chandrapur city municipal corporation, chandrapur is going to recruit eligible applicants to retired govt engineer/technical posts. applications are inviting for filling up the various vacancies of the posts to be filled. willing applicants to the posts can be applied by submission of the application form to the []the post chandrapur mahanagarpalika bharti 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Nagpur Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2024 at India
nmc bharti 2024 - recruitment of various vacanciesthe post nagpur mahanagarpalika bharti 2024 appeared first on latest 2024 jobs & vacancies.
Kolhapur Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2020 at India
Kolhapur municipal corporation bharti 2020 kolhapur mahanagarpalika bharti 2020: kolhapur municipal corporation has declared the notification for the recruitment of medical officer posts. there are total 04 vacancies available for these posts. candidates possess with mbbs degree may apply for these posts. eligible and interested candidates should attend for walk-in-interview to the given address. walk-in-interview [] the post kolhapur mahanagarpalika bharti 2020 appeared first on fastest job...
Kolhapur Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2020 at India
Kolhapur mahanagarpalika bharti 2020: kolhapur municipal corporation has declared the notification for the recruitment of fireman posts. there are a total of 15 vacancies available for these posts. candidates possess with 10 class may apply for these posts. eligible and interested candidates should submit their application form to the given address before the last date. []the post kolhapur mahanagarpalika bharti 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Pune Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2024 at India
Pune mahanagarpalika bharti 2024 | pmc bharti 2024 an advertisement for 15th finance program, nuhm program and taxation department and arogya vibhag. there are total 123 vacancies available for below mention posts. candidates read the complete details given below on this page regarding the pmc recruitment 2024and keep visit on our website for the []the post pune mahanagarpalika bharti 2024 appeared first on latest 2024 jobs & vacancies.
Panvel Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2023 at India
Panvel mahanagarpalika bharti 2023 : panvel mahangarpalik has published the notification for the recruitment of pharmacist posts. there are total 8 vacancies available for this posts. job location for this posts is in raigad. the candidates who are eligible for this posts they apply in panvel mahanagarpalika given address. all the eligible and interested candidates []the post panvel mahanagarpalika bharti 2023 appeared first on latest 2023 jobs &
Solapur Mahanagarpalika Recruitment 2020 at India
Solapur mahanagarpalika bharti 2020 solapur mahanagarpalika recruitment 2020: recruitment process has been started for various posts in solapur municipal corporation. there are more than 100 vacancies of various types. the deadline to apply is may 20, 2020. so hurry up. we provide you with information on where to apply, how to apply, and a link []the post solapur mahanagarpalika recruitment 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (pcmc) Recruitment Of 285 Graduate & Asst. Teacher at India
Pimpri chinchwad municipal corporation (pcmc) is recruiting 285 graduate & asst. teacher in different subjects. interested and eligible candidates may attend the walk-in-interview with their testimonials in support of eligibility. educational qualification required and other details in brief, for informational purposes only in the interest of job seeker, are given below pimpri chinchwad municipal [] the post pimpri chinchwad municipal corporation (pcmc) recruitment of 285 graduate &...
Pune Mahanagarpalika Recruitment 2020 at India
Pune mahanagarpalika recruitment 2020:pune mahanagarpalika recruitment 2020: pune municipal corporation, information, and technology department has issued the notification for the recruitment of content writer, content designer, content manager, social media manager, software developer posts. there is a total of 07vacancies available for these posts. this job is on a contract basis for 04 months.the post pune mahanagarpalika recruitment 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Nashik Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2020 at India
Nashik mahanagarpalika bharti 2020: nashik municipal corporation, under the department of public health, nashik has declared the notification for the recruitment of laboratory technician posts. the number of posts is 01. for applications to these posts, eligible applicants can use the following official address to submit the duly filled applications. the last date for submission []the post nashik mahanagarpalika bharti 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Aurangabad Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2020 at India
Aurangabad mahanagarpalika bharti 2020: aurangabad municipal corporation is going to conduct a walk-in-interview for the posts of medical officer posts under arogya vibhag. there is a total of 10 vacancies available for these poststhe post aurangabad mahanagarpalika bharti 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Vasai Virar Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2023 at India
Vasai virar mahanagarpalika bharti 2023: vasai virar municipal corporation has issued the notification for the recruitment of medical officer (gynecologist), medical officer (surgeon), medical officer (mbbs) posts. there are a total of 22vacancies available for these posts in vasai virar mahanagarpalika bharti 2023. the job location for these posts is in thane. the candidates who []the post vasai virar mahanagarpalika bharti 2023 appeared first on latest 2023 jobs &
Thane Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2020 at India
Thane mahanagarpalika bharti 2020: thane municipal corporation, rajiv gandhi medical college, kalwa invites offline application form for the posts of senior resident doctor, resident doctor posts. there is a total of 48 vacancies available for these
Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika Recruitment 2020 at India
Bmc bharti 2020 : brihan mumbai mahanagarpalika recruitment 2020: brihanmumbai municipal corporation, mumbai has published the notification for the recruitment of security guard posts. there are total 320 vacancies available for these posts.the post brihanmumbai mahanagarpalika recruitment 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Solapur Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2023 at India
Solapur mahanagarpalika bharti 2023: solapur municipal corporation has issued the notification for the recruitment of deputy transport manager posts.job location for these posts is in solapur. the candidates who are eligible for this posts they only apply in solapur mahanagarpalika. all the eligible and interested candidates apply for this post from the given instruction along []the post solapur mahanagarpalika bharti 2023 appeared first on latest 2023 jobs &
Thane Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2023 at India
Thane mahanagarpalika bharti 2023: thane municipal corporation has issued the notification for the recruitment of employees and administrative officers posts. there is a total of01 vacancyavailable for this post in thane mahanagarpalika bharti 2023. the job location for these posts is in thane. the candidates who are eligible for these posts only apply to thane []the post thane mahanagarpalika bharti 2023 appeared first on latest 2023 jobs &
Pune Mahanagarpalika Bharti Results, Eligibility List at India
Pune mahanagarpalika has released a selection list, waiting, eligible and non-eligible list of assistant encroachment inspector. this recruitment notification has been released on 15th february 2020. candidates who have applied for this post of assistant encroachment inspector can check their names from the given list. if candidates having objection they can raise it before 25th []the post pune mahanagarpalika bharti results, eligibility list appeared first on fastest job
Pune Mahanagarpalika Recruitment 2021 at India
Pune mahanagarpalika recruitment 2021-pune municipal corporation, arogya vibhag has issued the notification for the recruitment of sweeper. there is a total of 25 vacancies available under pune mahanagarpalika bharti 2021 this job is on a contract basis. eligible and interested candidates may submit application form to the given address before 12th july 2021 through the []the post pune mahanagarpalika recruitment 2021 appeared first on latest 2021 jobs &
Nagpur Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2021 at India
Nagpur mahanagarpalika recruitment 2021: nagpur municipal corporation, is going to conduct a walk-in-interview for the posts of accounting advisorposts. there is a total of 03 vacancies to be filled under nmc nagpur bharti 2021. willing applicants need to attend the walk-in-interview along with essential documents and certificates. walk-in-interview conducts 14th july 2021. more details of []the post nagpur mahanagarpalika bharti 2021 appeared first on latest 2021 jobs &
Thane Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2021 at India
Thane mahanagarpalika bharti 2021: thane municipal corporation has issued the notification for the recruitment of senior medical officer-drbt centre, machinetechnicianposts. job location for these posts in thane. there is a total of 03 vacancies to be filled under thane municipal corporation recruitment 2021. this job is on a contract basis for three month. eligible and []the post thane mahanagarpalika bharti 2021 appeared first on latest 2021 jobs &
Bhiwandi Nizampur Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2022 at India
bmmc bharti 2022 application form bhiwandi nizampur mahanagarpalika bharti 2022: bhiwandi nizampur city municipal corporation published an advertisement for recruitment to the eligible applicants to senior medicine supervisor, t. b. help visitor, laboratory technician posts. there is a total of 06 vacancies to be filled under bmmc bharti 2022. job location for these posts []the post bhiwandi nizampur mahanagarpalika bharti 2022 appeared first on latest 2022 jobs &
Panvel Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2022 at India
Panvel munciapl corporation bharti 2022 panvel mahanagarpalika bharti 2022: panvel mahangarpalika under national health department has issued the notification for the recruitment of medical officer, staff nurse, lhv, arogya sevika, lab technician, part time medical officer posts. there is a total of 52 vacancies to be filled under panvel municipal corporation bharti 2022. eligible and []the post panvel mahanagarpalika bharti 2022 appeared first on latest 2022 jobs &
Thane Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2024 at India
Thane mahanagarpalika bharti 2024 : advertisement for the different posts in csmh & rgmc on contract basis at thane municipal corporation. there are total 179 vacancies available for various posts. the job location for these posts is in thane. the candidates who are eligible for these posts only apply to thane municipal corporation. all the []the post thane mahanagarpalika bharti 2024 appeared first on latest 2024 jobs & vacancies.
Panaji Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2023 at India
Panaji mahanagarpalika bharti 2023: corporation of the city of panaji, goa has issued the notification for the recruitment of driver posts. the job location for these posts is in panaji, goa. the candidates who are eligible for these posts only apply to ccp goa recruitment 2023. all the eligible and interested candidates apply for this []the post panaji mahanagarpalika bharti 2023 appeared first on latest 2023 jobs &
Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika Recruitment 2020 at India
Bmc bharti 2020 : brihan mumbai mahanagarpalika recruitment 2020: brihanmumbai municipal corporation, mumbai has published the notification for the recruitment of security guard posts. there are total 320 vacancies available for these posts.the post brihanmumbai mahanagarpalika recruitment 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Nashik Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2023 at India
Nashik mahanagarpalika bharti 2023: nashik municipal corporation has issued the notification for the recruitment of garden inspector posts. there are a total of 07 vacancies available for these posts in nashik mahanagrpalika. the job location for these posts is in nashik. the candidates who are eligible for these posts only apply to nmc nashik. all []the post nashik mahanagarpalika bharti 2023 appeared first on latest 2023 jobs &
Parbhani Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2023 at India
Parbhani mahanagarpalika bharti 2023 : parbhani city municipal corporation has issued the notification for the recruitment of medical officer, epidemiologist and microbiologist posts. there are a total of 7 vacancies available for these posts. job location for these posts is in parbhani. the candidates who are eligible for this posts they only apply in parbhani []the post parbhani mahanagarpalika bharti 2023 appeared first on latest 2023 jobs &
Malegaon Mahanagarpalika Recruitment 2020 at India
Nhm malegaon bharti 2020:malegaon mahanagarpalika under national health mission has published an advertisement for recruitment for physician, anesthetist, medical officer, ayush mo, staff nurse, anm posts. applications are invited for filling 404 vacant posts.the post malegaon mahanagarpalika recruitment 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Sangli Miraj Kupwad Mahanagarpalika Bharti 2020 at India
sangli miraj kupwad mahanagarpalika bharti 2020: sangli miraj & kupwad city municipal corporation, under national health mission has declared the notification for the recruitment of part-time medical officer, gynecologist pediatrician, anesthetist posts. there are a total of 08 vacancies available for these posts. eligible candidate to apply for sangli miraj & kupwad mahanagarpalika recruitment 2020. [] the post sangli miraj kupwad mahanagarpalika bharti 2020 appeared first on fastest job
Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika Recruitment 2022 Apply Online Houseman Job Vacancy 2022 Online Application Form Available At - News at India
On 14/07/2022, brihanmumbai mahanagarpalika announced job notification to hire candidates who completed mbbs for the position of houseman.