Army Bharti In Pithoragarh & Champawat (kumaon) 15 Feb To 23 Feb 2021 at India
Army recruitment in bharti rally in pithoragarh & champawat (kumaon) educational qualifications name of post age limit education qualification soldier general duty 17 21 years sslc/matric with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in each subject. for boards following grading system minimum of d grade (33-40) in individual subjects
Bursar Recruitment In Gen B C Joshi Army Public School, Pithoragarh at India
Bursar recruitment in gen b c joshi army public school, pithoragarh name of post qualification age experience bursar min graduate from a recognized university. preference to graduate/ post graduate in commerce or mbas civilian 55 years esm/ civilian officers 58 years 5 years of experience in administration preferably in
Lt & Lecturer Recruitment In Mission Inter College Pithoragarh at India
Lecturer & lt recruitment in mission inter college, pithoragarh total of post: 02 name of post no. of post pay scale category lecturer (sanskrit) 01 (level-08) ur lt (physical training) 01 (level-07) ur age limit: 21-42 years as on 01 jan 2019 educational qualification: the educational and training qualification
Teacher Recruitment In Shishu Vidhya Peeth High School Wadda Lelu, Pithoragarh at India
Teacher recruitment in shishu vidhya peeth high school wadda (lelu), bin, pithoragarh name of the post vacancy pay scale age limit assistant teacher (english) 01 (sc) inr 44900 142400 (level-07) 21 42 years educational qualification the educational and training qualification for lt posts will be the same which has
Yoga Instructor Recruitment In Wellness Centres Pithoragarh at India
Yoga instructor recruitment in wellness centres pithoragarh name of post :yoga instructor number of post :02 salary :inr 250/- per yoga session educational qualification :ba yoga/bsc yoga/ bped/ma yoga/diplomain yoga age limit :min 21 years. selection procedure the selection of candidates will be made through walk-in interview on 20 mar 2023.
Saral Seva Recruitment 2018 | Apply Online Various Maharashtra Saral Seva Bharthi Vacancy at India
Maharashtra saral seva recruitment notification is released for the maha state job searchers try to hold the details of the maha saral seva bharti eligibility details in order to apply for this saral seva recruitment 2019 and they can apply from the maha saral seva application form which would start from jan 2019 and should []the post saral seva recruitment 2018 | apply online various maharashtra saral seva bharthi vacancy appeared first on recruitment india.
Agniveer Bharti In Pithoragarh & Champawat (kumaon) at India
Agniveer bharti in pithoragarh agniveer bharti rally in pithoragarh will be conducted by aro pithoragarh. agniveer recruitment in pithoragarh is for all youths of pithoragarh and champawat name of post :agniveer (general duty) (all arms) qualifications :class 10th /matricwith 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in each subject. for boards following
Army Bharti In Pithoragarh & Champawat (kumaon) 21 Sep To 23 Sep 2019 at India
Schedule & location for open bharti for pithoragarh & champawat is from 21 sep to 23 sep 2019 at military station banbasa. army recruitment rally will start from 21 sep to 23 sep 2019 for various posts like soldier gd, soldier technical, soldier nursing assistant/nursing assistant veterinary, soldier clerk/store keeper technical,
Army Bharti In Pithoragarh & Champawat (kumaon) 05 Sept To 12 Sept 2022 at India
Agniveer army bharti rally in pithoragarh & champawat (kumaon) 05 sept to 12 sept 2022 agniveer army bharti rally for pithoragarh & champawat will be conducted in pithoragarh. agniveer army open bharti in pithoragarh is for all youths of pithoragarh & champawat. educational qualifications name of post age limit education
Lecturer Recruitment In Mission Inter College, Pithoragarh at India
Lecturer recruitment in mission inter college, pithoragarh name of the post vacancy pay scale age limit lecturer (english) 01 inr 47600 151100 (level-08) 21 42 years educational qualification the educational and training qualification for lt posts will be the same which has been prescribed for the state high school /...
Teachers Recruitment In Inter College Satshilling, Pithoragarh at India
Teachers recruitment in inter college satshilling, pithoragarh name of the post vacancy pay scale age limit lecturer (geography) 01 (ur) inr 47600 151100 (level-08) 21 42 years lecturer (sociology) 01 (obc) inr 47600 151100 (level-08) 21 42 years assistant teacher lt (physical education) 01 (ur) inr 44900 ...