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Covid-19 To Be Part Of Syllabus Of Biochemistry At Lucknow University at India
The decision was made in agreement with the teachers of the biochemistry department who are now busy in preparing a syllabus accordingly. the final syllabus, along with the proposal will be put forward in the next executive council meeting of the university.
Nin Recruitment 2021 - Field Operations Manager, Pdra, Biochemistry And More Vacancies - 65,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 11/02/2021, nin announced job notification to hire candidates who completed mbbs, , , ,ms/md,mph for the position of field operations manager, pdra, biochemistry and more vacancies.
Ignou Launches Bsc (hons) In Biochemistry From July 2020 Session at India
Ignou has launched bachelor of science (honours) degree in the biochemistry discipline. the programme is offered in online distance learning (odl) mode. the online admission process is going on and the last date to apply is august 31.
Project Fellow Jrf Biochemistry - Jamia Hamdard At Delhi at India
Junior research fellow tile of project nbsp; investigation of mechanism of function of rnase p of mycobacterium tuberculosis exploration as a drug target. qualifications nbsp;1 first class biosciences biotechnology biochemistry 2 qualified net ndash; jrf ls examination of csir ugc icmr desirable experience in biochemical and molecular biology techniques. stipend as per dst norms project fellow tile of project nbsp; ugc special assistance programme drs-ii, department of biochemistry.

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