Latest Sports Quota Rail Government Jobs

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Sports Quota - Rail Wheel Factory At Bangalore at India
Sports quota job opportunities in rail wheel factory no. of posts nbsp;05 qualification nbsp; nbsp; i technician grade lll 10th pass plus national apprenticeship certificate nac granted by ncvt in the relevant mechanical electrical civil engg. trades or 10th pass plus iti in the relevant mechanical electrical civil engg. trades or 10th pass - the selected candidate has to undergo 03 years of training. ii junior clerk accounts clerk 12th 2 stage pass or its equivalent. pay nbsp; nbsp; matrix
Technician Jobs In Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala Against Sports Quota at India
Rail coach factory, kapurthala is inviting application from the eligible candidates for 08 posts of technician- iii. the vacancies are under sports quota through open advertisement for the year 2019-20. interested and eligible candidates may apply on prescribed application format (see pdf below) along with testimonials. employment notice no. 02/spq/2019-20. educational qualification required and other []
Rail Coach Factory Recruitment 2019 - Apply For 08 Sports Quota Vacancies at India
Rail coach factory recruitment 2019-20: the rail coach factory, kapurthala invites applications from sports persons for recruitment of technician-iii - sports quota vacancies through
Sports Persons - Sports Quota - Rail Wheel Factory At Bangalore at India
Sports persons sports quota nbsp; job in rail wheel factory sports discipline posts cricket men 03 posts. hockey men 04 posts. kabad men 03 posts. technician gr-iii junior clerk accounts clerk qualification nbsp; 10th class pass with nac certificate. iti nbsp; remuneration nbsp; nbsp; level-2 age limit nbsp; 18-25 yrs stenographer qualification nbsp; 10 2 or its equivalent with shorthand speed of 80 words per minute remuneration nbsp; nbsp; level-4 age limit nbsp; 18-25 yrs senior clerk
Rail Coach Factory Recruitment 2019 - Apply For Sports Quota (08 Vacancies) at India
Rail coach factory, kapurthala invites applications from sports persons for recruitment of sports quota vacancies through open advertisement for the year 2019-20. the closing date for receipt
Rail Coach Factory Kapurthala Recruitment 2019 Sports Quota (03 Vacancies) at India
Rail coach factory, karpurthala invites applications in the prescribed format from eligible sportspersons for recruitment under sports quota through open advertisement for the year 2018-19. the
Rail Wheel Factory Recruitment 2019 Sports Quota (10 Vacancies) at India
Rail wheel factory bangalore has published recruitment notification for sports persons for recruitment position of level 1 vacancies against sports quota - open advertisement for the year
Sports Quota - Kmrc Kolkata Metro Rail Corporation At Calcutta at India
Applications are invited from outstanding talented sports persons for recruitment againstsports quota -talent scouting educational qualification minimum 10th class iti pass or 12th class passed as required for the appropriate post. 1. table tennis women 01 post 2. gymnastics women 01post pay scale age limit 18 to 25

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