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On His Birthday, Hemant Soren Showed The Jail Seal, Calling It A Symbol Of The Challenges Existing In Democracy at India
Jharkhand chief minister hemant soren on saturday shared a photo of a prisoners stamp on his hand on the occasion of his 49th birthday and called it a symbol of the current challenges in democracy. the jharkhand mukti morcha (jmm) leader, who was in jail for about five months in an alleged land scam case, []
Symbol On 62-acrosss Flag Crossword Clue La Times Crossword Answer at India
The post symbol on 62-acrosss flag crossword clue la times crossword answer appeared first on tamilan jobs. symbol on 62-acrosss flag crossword clue la times today crosswords solved: solve your symbol on 62-acrosss flag crossword puzzle with ease using our los angeles times answer. our blog, tamilanjobs provides the solution to the la times clue symbol on 62-acrosss flag, ensuring a smooth solving experience. check out our article below to reveal [] the post symbol on 62-acrosss...
Now Instead Of Stick Key Be Election Symbol Of Omprakash Rajbhar Party Changed His President at India
X@oprajbhar rajbhars son arvind rajbhar contested the lok sabha elections but lost. arvinds election symbol was a stick, which came third in the electronic voting machine (evm). suheldev bharatiya samaj party (sbsp) has kept its election symbol as key instead of stick. party president om prakash rajbhar was considering changing the election symbol since the []

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