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Threat On Participation In World Championship Wfi Will Challenge Court Order at India
Counterfeit photo years the wfi said it will challenge the delhi high court order reinstating the ad-hoc committee of the ioa (indian olympic association) to handle the affairs of the sports body, saying the interference could jeopardise the participation of indian wrestlers in the upcoming world championships. new delhi: the wrestling federation of india (wfi) []
Young Girls In Reasi Promote Voter Participation With My Vote My Pride Mehndidrive at India
To create awareness and motivate people to exercise their franchise and increase voter participation, an initiative has been taken by some girls in the reasi district with the slogan my vote my pride by applying mehndi on their hands. district election officer, reasi vishesh paul mahajan commended the efforts of the young first-time voters, who []
Bihar: Cm Nitishs Office Receives Bomb Threat, Email Comes In The Name Of Al Qaeda, Fir Registered at India
Years the threatening email prompted the police and the anti-terrorism squad (ats) to launch an investigation. bihar police has registered a case in connection with the email threatening to bomb the chief ministers office (cmo). the email sent to the cmo on july 16 claimed links to al-qaeda. it said that even the bihar police []
Pakistan Fans Furious Over Bhogles Remarks On World Cup Participation at India
In a press release issued by the ministry of foreign affairs, pakistans participation in the icc cricket world cup 2023 was officially confirmed, receiving approval from the government of pakistan on sunday. soon after, there was a pile of reactions that emerged on social media both joyous and upsetting. amid the reactions, it was pakistan fans furious over bhogles remarks on world cup participation read more
Icai To Initiate Legal Action Against Candidates Sending Threat Mails To Ca Exam... at India
Institute of chartered accountants of india - icai on friday said that some examination centres have reported that they received threatening emails from some of the candidates appearing for the ca examination scheduled for november.
Taiwan Took A Big Step After China's Threat, Made This Appeal To Its Citizens at India
Creative common china on june 21 threatened to impose the death penalty in extreme cases for hardcore taiwan independence separatists who split the country and commit secession crimes in accordance with the law and safeguard china's national sovereignty. the provocative remarks were condemned by lai and his government as well as the us. the taiwan []
Iran Nuclear Threat, What Benefit Did Israel Gain By Carrying Out A 'limited' Attack Against Iran, Was The Threat Of Nuclear War Averted? Why Israel Carrying Out A Limited Attack Against Iran Threat Of Nuclear War Averted at India
Tel aviv: the us had urged israel to think carefully and strategically in response to iran's air strikes on saturday-sunday night. after this, israel carried out a limited amount of retaliatory action in the early hours of today. this retaliatory action was so limited that israel did not even consider it right to take responsibility []
Will Take Legal Action Against Ca Candidates Sending Threat Mails To Exam Centres:... at India
The institute of chartered accountants of india (icai) has warned candidates appearing for ca exams against sending threat mails to examination centres, saying legal action will be initiated for such misdemeanour.
Voter Awareness Initiatives In Kargil Drive Increased Participation at India
In ladakh, in a concerted effort to bolster democratic engagement, the voter awareness forum in kargil orchestrated a series of initiatives aimed at educating and empowering citizens. spearheaded by the systematic voters education and electoral participation (sveep) program, a recent event held at the government girls higher secondary school kargil drew significant attention. led []
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