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Spices Board Of India Recruitment 2022 Trainee Analyst Microbiology Job Vacancy Online Job Application Form Available At at India
On 01/10/2022, spices board of india announced job notification to hire candidates who completed for the position of trainee analyst microbiology.
Project Fellow Microbiology - Rgcb Rajiv Gandhi Centre For Biotechnology At Thiruvananthapuram at India
No. of post 01 qualifications candidates must have a masters level degree in microbiology, medical microbiology or biotechnology. the candidate must have minimum one year experience in basic microbiology lab techniques. desirable qualification we are looking for a highly motivated student with keen interest in metagenomics and its applications. candidates who have hands on research experience in microbial culture techniques, dna rna extraction, ngs library preparation etc. will be given
Jrf Microbiology - Cift Central Institution Of Fisheries Technology At Visakhapatnam at India
Project title screening lytic phages from diverse marine and aquatic niche for controlling bacterial pathogens associated with aquaculture and post-harvest fish quality no. of post 01 qualification first class masters degree in the field of microbiology biotechnology life science with net qualification or graduate degree in professional course with net qualification or post graduate degree in professional course in the above field. desirable excellent computer documentation and analytical
Jrf Microbiology - Nioh National Institute Of Occupational Health At Ahmadabad at India
No. of post 01 ur qualification 1. first class in life sciences biochemistry microbiology molecular biology from ugc recognized and naac accredited university institute. or qualification as above with net gate guj-set any equivalent examination certificate or, clear such examination within 06 months as project work continues to be program. 2. knowledge of animal handling, drug dosing, ihc, histology, pcr and western blotting techniques. 3. knowledge of statistical methods,
Nhm J&k Recruitment 2022 Apply For State Epidemiologist, State Microbiology & Other Posts at India
National health mission (nhm), j&k has recruits state epidemiologist, state microbiology & other posts. candidates with mbbs, mba, pg diploma/ degree (relevant discipline) can apply on before 29-07-2022.the post nhm j&k recruitment 2022 - apply for state epidemiologist, state microbiology & other posts first appeared on more
Jrf Microbiology - Bose Institute At Calcutta at India
Junior research fellow job opportunities in bose institute project title the development and implementation of sensors and treatment technologies for freshwater systems in india no. of post 01 department microbiology qualification in microbiology biotechnology with net qualification. fellowship rs. 25,000 - plus admissible hra except csir-ugc net-ls rs. 12,000 - plus admissible hra for csir-ugc net-ls age limit below 28 years as on the day on which the application is made.
Project Fellow Microbiology - Jaypee Institute Of Information Technology At Noida at India
Project fellow microbiology nbsp;job in jaypee institute of information technology jiit ,noidaproject entitled nbsp; ability of select pgpm strains to remediate organophosphate pesticides commonly used in agriculture nbsp; minimum qualifications nbsp;the candidates should have completed their master rsquo;s or in microbiology biotechnology biological sciences life sciences with a first class at graduate and undergraduate level. 2 years of post , research experience and
Jrf Microbiology - Rgcb Rajiv Gandhi Centre For Biotechnology At Thiruvananthapuram at India
Jrf microbiology job opportunities in rajiv gandhi centre for biotechnology rgcb project title health promoting properties of potential probiotic strains isolated from infant gut microflora no. of post 1 qualifications candidates must have first class masters degree in microbiology biotechnology with good academic records. desirable qualifications experience in molecular biology techniques and animal experiments is preferable. emolument ,000 age limit 28 years as on 7th may, 2018 hiring

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