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Latest Wayanad Landslide Heartbreaking Government Jobs

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E-learning, In Tribal Dialects, Gets Underway In Wayanad at India
Implemented by samagra shiksha kerala (ssk), the project envisages translating the content in malayalam, being aired through the government owned victers channel, into tribal dialects by the mentors for onward transmission for the benefit of tribal students.
Teaching Assistant Jobs In Wayanad At Kvasu - Apply Now at India
On 30/06/2021, kvasu announced job notification to hire candidates who completed n/a for the position of teaching assistant.
Five Kedarnath Pilgrims Killed As Car Hit By Landslide Debris In Uttarakhand | Latest News India at India
At least five pilgrims, including three from gujarat, were killed after a car in which they were travelling to kedarnath was crushed under debris from a landslide in uttarakhands rudraprayag district on thursday night, news agency pti reported. sdrf people carry out rescue work after incidents of landslide on kedarnath highway due to rain, in five kedarnath pilgrims killed as car hit by landslide debris in uttarakhand | latest news india read more
Tribal Students In Wayanad Left Out As Education Goes Online Amid Lockdown at India
The government intervention to link school students to online platforms to provide them with education is good. but at the same time, the government must consider the special situation of tribal children and ensure that they also get an education.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Shinde Will Adopt Children Who Lost Both Their Parents In The Irshalwadi Landslide. Mumbai News at India
Ani | , posted by yagya sharma the shiv sena said maharashtra chief minister eknath shinde would adopt children who lost both their parents in the recent landslide at irshalwadi village in the states raigad district. maharashtra chief minister eknath shinde. (photo by satish bate/hindustan times) shiv sena said, many children have lost both their maharashtra chief minister shinde will adopt children who lost both their parents in the irshalwadi landslide. mumbai news read more
Wayanad Landslide: Kerala Cm Vijayan Praises Police Rescue Operation at India
Counterfeit photo years pinarayi vijayan described the devastating landslide in wayanad district as the biggest disaster in the history of the state and praised the courageous efforts of the police and fire force in rescuing people during the incident. thrissur. kerala chief minister pinarayi vijayan on sunday described the devastating landslide in wayanad district as []
France Elections: Modi's Friend Macron Suffered A Setback In The First Round Of Elections, Far-right Party Won A Landslide Victory at India
Exit polls showed marine le pen's right-wing national rally (rn) party has taken a historic lead in the first round of france's parliamentary election. but the final result will depend on the days ahead before voting next week. exit polls by ipsos, ifop, opinionway and elabe showed the rn was seen winning around 34% of []
Wayanad Landslide: Heartbreaking Disaster, The Whole Area Was Destroyed, Kerala Cm Vijayans Reaction On The Landslide at India
Years after the landslide incident, people were seen searching for their loved ones amid a queue of dead bodies at a health centre here. the bodies of the dead in the wayanad landslide that happened this morning were brought to the nilambur taluk hospital. a total of 93 bodies have been recovered. kerala chief minister []

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