Latest Young Professional Walk Government Jobs

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Young Professional Walk-in Interview On 15th February 2024 - Sdau At Gujarat at India
Sdau jobs notification 2024 nbsp;information for the hiring of 1 young professional posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with sardarkrushinagar dantiwada agricultural university can apply walkin application on or before 2024-02-15. young professional-ii 1 post qualification agri. in agronomy soil science or in salary details rs. 35,000 - per month age limit as per rules selection process
Young Professional Walk-in Interview On 22nd February 2024 - Becil At Delhi at India
Becil jobs notification 2024 nbsp;information for the hiring of 15 senior consultant, young professional, junior consultant posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with broadcast engineering consultants india limited can apply online application on or before 2024-02-22. senior consultant social media 3 posts junior consultant social media 6 posts young professional social media 6 posts qualification senior consultant social media
Young Professional For Walk-in Interview On 24th January - Cmfri At Kochi at India
Cmfri jobs notification 2024 nbsp;information for the hiring of 1 young professional posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with central marine fisheries research institute can apply offline application on or before 2024-01-24. young professional-i 1 post qualification bachelor rsquo;s degree in life sciences fisheries sciences salary details - per month age limit 21-45 years selection process selection process will
Young Professional Walk-in Interview On 25th January 2024 - Nrcb National Research Centre For Banana At Tiruchchirappalli at India
Nrcb jobs notification 2024 nbsp;information for the hiring of 1 young professional posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with national research centre for banana can apply offline application on or before 2024-01-25. young professional-i 1 post qualification post graduate visual communication any mass media degree agricultural extension and relevant degrees salary details rs. 30,000 - per month age limit 21-45 years selection
Young Professional Walk-in Interview On 20th October 2023 - Nrri At Cuttack at India
Nrri jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of 18 field operator, young professional, graduate assistant posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with national rice research institute can apply walkin application on or before 2023-10-20. young professional-i 5 posts graduate assistant 1 post field operator 12 posts qualification young professional-i graduate in agricultural science soil science, agronomy
Young Professional Walk-in Interview On 10th October 2023 - Iisr At Kozhikkod at India
Iisr kozhikode jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of 1 young professional-i posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with indian institute of spices research can apply walkin application on or before 2023-10-10. young professional-i 1 post qualification , in journalism, mass communication salary details - per month age limit 21 to 45 years selection process walk-in-interview important dates
Young Professional Walk-in Interview - Nrcb National Research Centre For Banana At Tiruchchirappalli at India
Nrcb jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of 1 young professional posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with national research centre for banana can apply offline application on or before 2023-08-24. young professional-i 1 post qualification first class in ece salary details ,000 -per month age limit 21 to 45 years selection process selection process based on the interview important dates
Young Professional Walk-in Interview On 11th August 2023 - Pjtsau At Hyderabad at India
Pjtsau jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of 1 young professional posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with professor jayashankar telangana state agricultural university can apply walkin application on or before 2023-08-11. young professional 1 post qualification agri. salary details rs. 25,000 - per month age limit 21 to 45 years selection process walk-in-interview important dates walk-in-interview
Young Professional Walk-in Interview On 8th August 2023 - Angrau At Guntur at India
Angrau jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of 5 young professional posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with acharya ng ranga agricultural university can apply for a walk-in application on or before 2023-08-08. young professional-i 4 posts young professional-ii 1 post qualification young professional-i a bachelor rsquo;s degree in agriculture of 4 years duration diploma in agriculture of 2 years duration
Young Professional Walk-in Interview On 10th August 2023 - Aau At Jorhat at India
Aau jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of 1 young professional posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with assam agricultural university can apply walk-in application on or before 2023-08-10. young professional- ii 1 post qualification in home science community science. salary details rs. 35,000 - per month age limit 45 years selection process walk-in-interview important dates walk-in-interview date nbsp;
Young Professional Walk-in Interview On 28th July 2023 - Cau Imphal At Imphal at India
Cau imphal jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of 2 young professional posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with central agricultural university imphal can apply online application on or before 2023-07-27. young professional ndash; ii 1 post qualification young professional-i in agriculture horticulture young professional ndash; ii in horticulture salary details young professional-i rs. 25,000 -
Young Professional Walk-in Interview - Icar At Arunachal Pradesh at India
Icar jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of young professional posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with indian council of agricultural research can apply offline application on or before 2023-07-18. young professional posts qualification m. sc agri amp; allied sciences ie. soil science plant breeding, agronomy, nrm related disciplines, agril. engg agril. extn. horticulture knowledge of it application,
Young Professional , Walk-in Interview - Cswri At Rajasthan at India
Cswri jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of 1 young professional posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with central sheep and wool research institute can apply offline application on or before 2023-05-19. young professional- i 1 post qualification with respect to the essential educational qualification mentioned in annexure-i at point 1 salary details rs. 25000 - per month age limit 21 to 45 years
Young Professional , Walk-in Interview - Angrau At Andhra Pradesh at India
Angrau jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of 1 young professional-ii posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with acharya ng ranga agricultural university can apply walkin application on or before 2023-04-24. young professional-ii 1 post qualification masters in wild life sciences zoology entomology biological sciences the above post is purely temporary or bachelors in wild life sciences zoology agriculture
Young Professional , Walk-in Interview - Icar At Shillong at India
Icar jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of 1 young professional posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with indian council of agricultural research can apply walkin application on or before 2023-04-07. young professional-ii 1 post qualification b. e b. tech. a minimum of 4 years with first division in electrical instrumentation mechanical branches. 2. master rsquo;s degree in engineering electrical
Young Professional , Walk-in Interview - Skuast At Jammu And Kashmir at India
Skuast jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of 2 young professional posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with sher-e-kashmir university of agricultural sciences amp; technology of jammu can apply offline application on or before 2023-04-24. young professional-i 1 posts young professional-ii 1 posts qualification young professional-i graduate amp; b. sc bca . young
Young Professional,walk-in-interview - Nrri At Cuttack at India
Nrri young professional ii recruitment 2023 advertisement for the post of young professional ii in nrri. candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. candidates must check their eligibility educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. the eligible candidates can submit their applications directly before 27 march 2023. candidates can check the latest nrri recruitment 2023 young professional ii vacancy 2023 details and
Young Professional , Walk-in Interview - Iari At Delhi at India
Iari jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of 3 junior research fellow, project assistant, young professional posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with indian agricultural research institute can apply offline application on or before 2023-04-13. junior research fellow 1 post young professional -ii 1 post project assistant 1 post qualification junior research fellow post graduate degree in entomology zoology
Young Professional Walk-in Interview - Becil At Delhi at India
Becil young professional recruitment 2023 advertisement for the post of young professional in becil nbsp;. candidates are advised to read the details, and eligibility criteria mentioned below for this vacancy. candidates must check their eligibility educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. the eligible candidates can submit their application directly before 05 april 2023. candidates can check the latest becilrecruitment 2023 young professional vacancy 2023 details and
Young Professional Walk-in Interview - Cmfri At Kerala at India
Cmfri jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of 1 young professional posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with central marine fisheries research institute can apply offline application on or before 2023-02-16. young nbsp; professional-ii 1 post qualification postgraduates in the discipline of chemistry chemical sciences with an experience in research in chemical chemistry laboratories supported by project
Young Professional Walk-in Interview - Cish Central Institute For Subtropical Horticulture At Calcutta at India
Cish jobs notification 2023 nbsp;information for the hiring of 1 young professional posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with central institute for subtropical horticulture can apply walkin application on or before 2023-01-11. young professional-i 1 post qualification bachelor of sciences life science- botany agricultural science horticultural science from recognized institution university. salary details rs. 25000 - per
Young Professional Walk-in Interview - Nbt National Book Trust At Delhi at India
Nbt jobs notification 2022 nbsp;information for the hiring of young professional, consultant grade posts has been released on the official website at candidates planning to start their career with national book trust india can apply walkin application on or before 2022-12-30. young professional posts consultant grade posts qualification young professional master rsquo;s degree from recognized university institute or ca or icwa or possessing any professional degree earned after
Walk-in For Young Professional-i , Download Form Here - Pjtsau At Hyderabad at India
Recruitment for the posts of young professional-i by professor jaishankar telangana state agricultural university. applications are invited for the recruitment of young professional-i post in professor jaishankar telangana state agricultural university. professor jaishankar telangana state agricultural university is giving a good opportunity for the candidates who have done their graduation from the recognized institute. interested candidates can read the instructions given below and apply
Icar-naarm Recruitment 2021 19 Young Professional & Office Assistant Vacancy Walk-in-interview 27 December At at India
Naarm young professional & office assistant recruitment 2021 icar-national academy of agricultural research management (naarm) has released an official notification for the posts of 19 young professionalii & office assistant vacancy from 12th, , , mba & mca pass candidates interested in sarkari result naarm yp & office assistant recruitment 2021 application form can appear for walk-in-interview 27 december the post icar-naarm recruitment 2021 19 young professional & office assistant vacancy...
Walk In Interview!!! Young Professional Ii Jobs In Kullu: Bvsc Can Apply For Central Sheep And Wool Research Institute Job Openings - 35,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 11/03/2021, central sheep and wool research institute announced job notification to hire candidates who completed bvsc for the position of young professional ii.
Walk In Interview! Young Professional Ii Jobs In Guwahati:, Can Apply For Cifri Job Openings - 25,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 11/03/2021, cifri announced job notification to hire candidates who completed ,mfsc for the position of young professional ii.
Walk-in-interview!!! Icar Research Complex For North Eastern Hill Region Jobs 2021 - Young Professional Ii Vacancy - 25,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 27/02/2021, icar research complex for north eastern hill region announced job notification to hire candidates who completed , ,mvsc for the position of young professional ii.
Walk-in-interview!!! Icar Research Complex For North Eastern Hill Region Jobs 2021 - Young Professional I Vacancy - 25,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 25/02/2021, icar research complex for north eastern hill region announced job notification to hire candidates who completed bvsc, ,mvsc for the position of young professional i.
Walk In Interview!!! Cirg Recruitment Notification 2021 - Young Professional I Vacancy - Salary 15,000 - Apply Now at India
On 11/02/2021, cirg announced job notification to hire candidates who completed for the position of young professional i.
Walk-in-interview!!! Kvk, Namsai District Jobs 2021 - Young Professional Ii Vacancy - 25,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 09/02/2021, kvk, namsai district announced job notification to hire candidates who completed ,mvsc for the position of young professional ii.
Walk-in-interview!!! Icar Research Complex For North Eastern Hill Region Jobs 2021 - Young Professional Ii Vacancy - 25,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 09/02/2021, icar research complex for north eastern hill region announced job notification to hire candidates who completed ,mvsc for the position of young professional ii.
Walk-in-interview!!! Nbsslup Job Notification 2021 - Young Professional Ii Vacancy - 35,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 05/02/2021, nbsslup announced job notification to hire candidates who completed for the position of young professional ii.
Walk In Interview! Bhu Recruitment 2021 - Young Professional Ii Vacancies - 25,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 17/12/2020, bhu announced job notification to hire candidates who completed for the position of young professional ii.
Walk In Interview! Dr Y. S. Parmar University Of Horticulture And Forestry Recruitment 2020 - Young Professional Ii Vacancies - 25,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 30/11/2020, dr y. s. parmar university of horticulture and forestry announced job notification to hire candidates who completed , for the position of young professional ii.
Walk In Interview! Dr Y. S. Parmar University Of Horticulture And Forestry Recruitment 2020 - Young Professional I Vacancies - 15,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 30/11/2020, dr y. s. parmar university of horticulture and forestry announced job notification to hire candidates who completed any graduate for the position of young professional i.
Walk In Interview! Ndri Recruitment 2020 - Young Professional Ii Vacancies - 25,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 25/11/2020, ndri announced job notification to hire candidates who completed ,bmlt for the position of young professional ii.
Walk In Interview! Nbagr Recruitment 2020 - Young Professional Ii Vacancies - 25,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 11/11/2020, nbagr announced job notification to hire candidates who completed , for the position of young professional ii.
Walk In Interview!! Dr Y. S. Parmar University Of Horticulture And Forestry Recruitment 2020 - Young Professional Ii Vacancies - 25,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 04/11/2020, dr y. s. parmar university of horticulture and forestry announced job notification to hire candidates who completed , , ,mba/pgdm for the position of young professional ii.
Tanuvas Young Professional Recruitment 2020 Walk-in at India
Tanuvas recruitment 2020 tamil nadu veterinary and animal sciences university (tanuvas), chennai invites application for walk in interview of young professional jobs for the icar-network project on sheep improvement (madras red) field unit at post graduate research institute in animal sciences, kattupakkam. candidates may apply online for tanuvas vacancies those having required job eligibility []the post tanuvas young professional recruitment 2020 - walk-in first appeared on
Walk In Interview!!! Iiss Recruitment 2020 - Young Professional Ii Vacancies - Salary 25,000 - Apply Now at India
On 06/10/2020, iiss announced job notification to hire candidates who completed for the position of young professional ii.
Walk In Interview! Central Institute For Cotton Research Recruitment 2020 - Young Professional I Vacancies - 15,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 27/08/2020, central institute for cotton research announced job notification to hire candidates who completed for the position of young professional i.
Walk In Interview!!! Central Institute For Cotton Research Recruitment 2020 - Young Professional Ii Vacancies - 25,000 Salary - Apply Now at India
On 27/08/2020, central institute for cotton research announced job notification to hire candidates who completed for the position of young professional ii.
Iari Recruitment 2020 Walk In Interview 02 Srf, Young Professional at India
Division of agricultural economics, icar-indian agricultural research institute (iari) walk in interview for recruiting one senior research fellow under nfsm funded project and one

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