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Jobs Under Railway 2025

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Paramedical Staff And Practitioners Jobs Under Western Railway at India
Western railway invites online application for 67 posts of general duty medical officer (gdmo), specialist, nursing superintendent, renal replacement/ hemodialysis technician, lab technician and radiographer. the vacancies are in jagjivan ram hospital, mumbai central, western railway. the candidates will be appointed on contract basis for three (03) months to work in covid isolation wards of []
Group-c Category Jobs In East Central Railway Under Sports Quota at India
East central railway, indian railways is inviting application from the eligible candidates for 21 posts of group c category. recruitment under sports quota (open advertisement) for the year 2019-20 over east central railway, hajipur. interested and eligible candidates may apply on prescribed application format (see pdf below) along with testimonials. employment notice no. ecr/hrd/rectt/sports quota []
Group-c And Group-d Jobs In East Central Railway Under Scout & Guide Quota at India
East central railway, indian railways is inviting application from the eligible candidates for 12 posts of group c posts and erstwhile group d posts. the vacancies are for headquarter office and divisions ( dhanbad, danapur, mughalsarai, sonpur & samastipur) of east central railway under scout & guide quota for the year 2019-20. interested and eligible []
Rpf Recruitment 2019- Railway Jobs For 798 Constable Posts Under Railway Protection Force at India
Railway protection force (rpf) recruitment 2019 rpf recruitment for 798 posts of constable (ancillary) shared by: indian railways recruitment for vacant positions of [[ this is a content summary only. visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Cg Railway Recruitment 2018! Vacancy For Senior Executive, J.g.m. And D.g.m. Post Under Chhattisgarh Railway Corporation Limited,raipur,! Last Date December 14, 2018 at India
Officialadvertising pdf:click hereofficialwebsite: number of departmental posts: 03details of departmental positions:departmentalname chhattisgarh railway corporation limited, raipurname of post 1. jgm2. dgm3. sr. executivenote overview of departmental advertising for more information on other departmental posts! pay scale :1. jgm: e-6 scale (rs. 90,000-2,40,000)2. dgm: e-5 scale (rs 80, , 000)3. sr. executive: e-1 scale (rs the post cg railway...

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